Friday, May 22, 2020
Male and Female Roles in Muslim Countries - 1336 Words
It is believed by some that the Qur’an does not describe women as being inferior but instead states that Allah created men and women in different ways so they are better suited to different roles and have different traits (Al-Mannai 2010). As mentioned previously, recent debates surrounding men and women’s positions in society now usually focus on gender equality and women’s rights (Bilge 2010). The early twentieth centuries were when the first major debates surrounding women’s rights began and when women’s opinions on the topic were first made obvious (Abu-Lughod 1998). Women both then and now participated in the debates and struggles to ensure that their voices were heard. Many do have differing opinions surrounding what rights they want, and opinions have changed over time as globalisation has become more and more prominent (Abu-Lughod 1998). In the past women have had leading and important roles in Islamic society. It is thought that imperialism affected this and encouraged Muslim men to take charge and bring us to where we are today. It is believed that the threat from foreign countries, traditions and values forced men to protect their women and therefore hide them (Al-Mannai 2010). The way that male and female roles in Muslim countries are shown in the West are often misleading and untrue. Similarly to this, the ways that Western values are translated in Islamic culture are often misleading and this then affects politics and public perceptions – particularlyShow MoreRelatedMuslim Women As A Symbol Of Oppression856 Words  | 4 PagesIn the past decade, Islam has been viewed as a male dominant religion. Many people in the west proclaim that Muslim women are forced to wear and do things out of their own will and, therefore, the western society perceives Muslim women as a symbol of oppression. The main subject of controversy is the Islamic veil. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Personal and Professional Development Planning PDP
Personal and Professional Development Planning PDP Welcome to my Personal and Professional Development Planning website. This site contains different types of PDP documents, forms, evaluation tools and links for useful websites. Ive developed this web site as a resource for backing students up on the University Certificate in the Professional Development and the free elective Key Skills Development through Part-Time Voluntary Work better and ease for your learning. I hope that you will find a chance for your material to be useful and relevant. Feel free to use the resources here, but please protect me if you’re copying any of them. Most of the learning materials are here as word documents, but not as puff files - this is so, that you may change the materials slightly in your choice. If you can think of any useful way I can improve this website as a learning resource please let me know it. - This site is best noticed in Netscape Navigator. If the tradition of the colour has changed since you last looked, then entity on the site has been updated. Only those who are asleep make no mistakes Ingvar Kamprad (founder of Ikea) The difference between prosperity and breakdown is only the word. Phil Silvers aka Master Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko PPD as I prefer to call it, a structured process by which a person relies upon and plans their own current and future learning and development; either personal development orShow MoreRelatedThe Development Of A Pdp917 Words  | 4 PagesA PDP is a tool that clearly indicates identified challenges (learning or development needs) in order of priority. Each competency in the PDP assessment informs specific outcomes with the help of this tool (Francis et al., 2014). I can easily monitor my progress towards my progress towards my set goals using the high competencies of my personal and professional skills to improve my areas of opportunities. My PDP shown in table 1, highlights my competencies that needs to be achieved by July 2016.Read MoreDefinition Of Personal Development Plan Essay2237 Words  | 9 PagesDefine Personal Development Plan Often people say, â€Å"There is always a room for improvement,†and to make it viable there are few things that can be adopted in life. Have you ever thought of Personal Development Plan? It is a roadmap to your personal growth and one can expect to achieve success through proper planning. It is actually a practice that revolves round the goals decided by individual that emphasizes on specific areas of Personal Development. Through Personal Development, it is possibleRead MoreProfessional Development Plan1604 Words  | 6 PagesProfessional Development Plan The world is going through an era of rapid professional change and development. This has led to increased uncertainty for all professionals in the world of work. 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As Paul Cimmerer indicated in the article, â€Å"SUPERVALU was not doing a good enough job of bringing new people on board or grooming them for growth and effectiveness.†That was the genesis behind the PDP program - to attract and prepare high-potential collegeRead MorePrinciples of Personal Development in Adult Social Care and Settings1049 Words  | 5 Pageswhat they do is competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants’ ‘ï ¬ tness to practice’ is determined. For a care worker to work in a certain profession, they have to register with their particular Professional Council and then work to the Codes of Practice which they deem ï ¬ t. Not following their Code of Practice could result in them being taken of the register and no longer allowed to work in that role. 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Personal development is a lifelong process of nurturing, shaping and improving skills and knowledge to ensure maximumRead MoreAssignment 302 Principles Of Personal Development In Adult Social Care Settings1374 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Assignment 302 Principles of personal development in adult social care settings Task A Guidance You are going to be a mentor for a new social care worker as part of their induction process. Part of your role is to help them prepare for the review after their probation period. Ai Create a guide for the new social care worker about how to reflect on their practice. The guide must include the headings listed with an explanation of each. a) What is reflective practice? b) Why is reflective practice
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Contents of My Backpack Free Essays
Although I am only at the beginning of my teaching career, I feel as if I have many things already stowed away in my Dakine green, black, and white plaid backpack. My items are similar to Mr. Goldman’s items in that they have very little to do with the topics that I teach but are able to transform my classroom environment, stay along the guidelines of time management, and allow students to learn at their own pace. We will write a custom essay sample on Contents of My Backpack or any similar topic only for you Order Now The items that I have in my backpack include: a Nerf basketball, wireless mouse, pens and pencils with colorful erasers, 3 ring hole punch, dollar store multi colored star stickers, a small bust of George Washington, and a mustache mug. Not all of these items are essential teaching tools but some of them are used so frequently that I could include them in my curriculum. The Nerf basketball is used just about every day in my math class, it helps me get volunteers for questions, provides a reward to students, and encourages others to be supportive of their classmates. The last two coincide with a game I stole from a teacher in the district high school called ‘Math-sketball’. It’s a simple game where everyone works out the problem on the board and after the buzzer counts down students need to have their answer written on their scorecard. Those students who answer correctly get to line up for a free throw shot with the basketball, students cheer each other on to make the basket and if a student misses, classmates are there with words of encouragement. This mini failure of missing a shot and the support of their classmates to try again next time is important for the students. I teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math students in a Resource Room at a middle school. The wireless mouse allows me to use the technology in the room without being plastered to the wall which would allow students to get distracted with other things going on in the room or outside the windows. I am able to keep close enough to my students, check their progress with the material, as well as circulate around the room to keep an eye on drifters. My 3 ring hole punch is one of my best items. I use it to keep myself organized with binders, lessons, units, tests, and other materials, but I also use it to hole punch everything that I give the students. This helps them with their organization but doesn’t stop them from misplacing their homework. I will have to find a reasonable price for microchips that I can attach to homework assignments so it is never misplaced or lost in a locker. The dollar store multi colored star stickers are used as a reward for students who are ready for class, hand in assignments, score well on tests, or help out during the class without being asked. It’s a way to keep the students active and engaged without constantly reminding them to do something or not to do something. I am sure that over my teaching career more items will be put into the backpack and that some items will replaced or taken out of the backpack, but as long as my mustache mug doesn’t crack, chip, or shatter, that will be my staple item, how else will I be able to fuel up during the day? How to cite Contents of My Backpack, Papers
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