Tuesday, August 25, 2020
All art is quite useless :: essays research papers
All workmanship is very futile On the off chance that individuals were marked with only single word to speak to them, to summarize their numerous parts of life, single word to characterize them totally, at that point the name you’d least go over would be that of craftsman. Only from time to time does one result in these present circumstances earth with the normal capacity, the blessing to consider the to be as a painting, newly completed on his canvas. The ability to be perpetually adulated on the dividers of maturing workmanship galleries. What's more, the shear boldness to experience life as an irregularity, an uncommon variety that makes heads turn the other way. It will be one unpleasant excursion for the youthful craftsman, be that as it may. Life will toss him around in a confounded blend of sentiments, musings and feelings, as he will frantically try to discover what his identity is and what his motivation in life is. As his psyche continues soaking in dim, burdensome snapshots of consideration, his general surroundings will step by step influence him less, and his inner mind will begin assembling the establishments of a fresh out of the plastic new world, inside his head. An existence where timekeepers liquefy under the tirelessness existing apart from everything else, where the skyline twists under a plume and nature detonates into a power against which we are trivial; a universe of magnificence, shading and differentiation where destitution doesn't exist; where torment, isolation, sorrow and anguish have no significance. Attempting to duplicate this odd world into something humanly translatable, the craftsman will go through day and night, paint and paper, ink and blood attempting to figure out how to transform his vision into a reality. Speeding over the thruways of creation, looking for a dream under each unturned stone, he will have assuredly gotten a couple of terrible, mind adjusting addictive propensities en route. His body bit by bit break down as he continually extends his faculties as far as possible, attempting to get to some guaranteed, more significant level of presence, a supernatural transform, however never leaving the virus ground. Hours mix with days and minutes transforming time into an obscure, broken thought that the craftsman disconsideres while lost in a relentless, mechanical daze, making piece after bit of critic’s garbage that no one thinks about. At that point he goes to cherish. The one final bad habit he doesn’t need. He looks for it through sonnets, centerfolds and faintly lit boulevards, seeking after the fragrance of pheromones overflowing from each edge of the profane piece of a town absorbed twilight.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
social darwinsim history essays
social darwinsim history papers Social Darwinism and its utilization to Justify Business Practices of the nineteenth and Postulation: The requirement for a legitimization of tremendous abundance of a couple and an unbelievable neediness of millions was, the same number of will in general accept, satisfied by the rise of a hypothesis called Social Darwinism, which on one hand was viewed as an essential guard of business exercises, and on the other, was I. Definition and birthplace of Social Darwinism III. Overemphasis on Social Darwinism B. Depended on Christian and different contentions During the late nineteenth, and mid twentieth century, the United States encountered a development of industry like it has never observed. New licenses and innovations thrived. New items overwhelmed the market. While a large number of poor, hungry, and jobless swarmed the lanes, the rich were caught up with showing their huge riches. Despite the fact that the requirement for change was overpowering, for most of Americans, nothing was being finished. The large supervisors were ready to pay off the lawmakers and convince them to cast a ballot in support of them. While the rich were getting more extravagant, and the poor getting more unfortunate, the government officials viewed. The requirement for a support of the huge abundance of a couple and an incredible neediness of millions was, the same number of would in general accept, satisfied by the development of a hypothesis called Social Darwinism, which on one hand was viewed as an essential safeguard of business exercises, and on the other, was just a legend. Social Darwinism, the specialists state, was a fleeting hypothesis of social development, vivaciously talked about in America, which supported and advocated the cruel realities of social separation in an endeavor to accommodate them with the predominant belief system of equalitarianism. The development of Social Darwinism was maybe the most noticeable impact on the sociologies of Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species (Tax and Krucoff 402). In basic terms, Social Darwinism was an application (mama... <!
Sunday, July 26, 2020
How to Write an Outline for a Presentation
How to Write an Outline for a Presentation The powerpoint presentation outline: why you need it If you’re preparing an oral presentation, it’s good to have an outline of it. However, many students don’t do this because they think the outline is something unnecessary that only takes time and gives nothing back. Why do you need a presentation outline? It can help you to keep you on topic, remember every point and to ground you. A good outline contains only key points of the future presentation, not the full text. An outline will help you to always know where you are at the presentation and what goes next. However, every presentation outline format has a standard structure: the introduction, the body and the conclusion. At first, you say hello to the audience and tell them the topic of the presentation. Use the body part to say about your ideas and conclude them in the last part. And don’t forget to thank your audience. How to write an outline for a powerpoint presentation? Most of the students use one of the two ways of preparation for the presentation. The first way is using the slides they used in the last presentation. The second way is just opening the Powerpoint and adding slides. None of these ways is efficient because the application itself cannot create a story. It’s a tool that you can use for visuals. You should always start with the no matter what kind of presentation you’re preparing. How to write an outline for a presentation? Scroll down to see the answer. Choose your goal The goal of the presentation is the message you want to tell your audience. For the outline for a presentation you can make a few notes. There’s no need to write down the whole sentences. You can make notes with a pencil in your notebook or in your favorite editing app on your laptop or tab. Use 4-5 words to describe your goal and write down. You will build up the whole story around this goal. Know your audience Before you start making up the story, you should know where to start. What to those people already know about you and the topic of your presentation? Do they trust you? The more you know about the people you will talk to the better the presentation will be. You can make short notes in the outline for presentation about the audience and their preferences. Make a plan After you’ve done the actions mentioned above in this article, you should go on with the plan. Usually, you can cover three to six ideas within one presentation. They will be the main points of your plan. Divide each idea into two or three subpoints. Write down each point and sub point on a separate line with enough space for making notes. Make notes next to each of the list items about what to say, what evidence to use, what can prove your statements, what visuals to use and so on. Be as precise as possible. It’s ok if you do this for three or four times before you decide the informative presentation outline is perfect. How to make a presentation outline: techniques There’s one technique that many people use for their presentations. You tell the audience what you’re going to say. Then you’re saying it and at the end you tell the audience what you’ve just said. Too easy to be true? You never know until you try it. However, let’s take a look at some other techniques. Ask questions. Instead of simply informing people about the problem and the solutions, you can try to make them think and see that finding a solution is a hard job. Make pauses. If you say something really impressive, you should give people some time for figuring out what to do with the information they’ve just received. One of the techniques that can help you write a good outline is asking someone else to do this for money. We don’t mean you should relax and do nothing. If you have a lot of work to do and if you want to get a high grade, you should use the services of professional authors. You don’t have to ask another person to prepare the whole presentation for you. You can ask only for the powerpoint presentation outline example. Everyone should do what they’re good at. If you’re good at singing and oral speeches, you can order the presentation outline to make the process of preparation more efficient. You will save much time and nerves, so give it a try.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Male and Female Roles in Muslim Countries - 1336 Words
It is believed by some that the Qur’an does not describe women as being inferior but instead states that Allah created men and women in different ways so they are better suited to different roles and have different traits (Al-Mannai 2010). As mentioned previously, recent debates surrounding men and women’s positions in society now usually focus on gender equality and women’s rights (Bilge 2010). The early twentieth centuries were when the first major debates surrounding women’s rights began and when women’s opinions on the topic were first made obvious (Abu-Lughod 1998). Women both then and now participated in the debates and struggles to ensure that their voices were heard. Many do have differing opinions surrounding what rights they want, and opinions have changed over time as globalisation has become more and more prominent (Abu-Lughod 1998). In the past women have had leading and important roles in Islamic society. It is thought that imperialism affected this and encouraged Muslim men to take charge and bring us to where we are today. It is believed that the threat from foreign countries, traditions and values forced men to protect their women and therefore hide them (Al-Mannai 2010). The way that male and female roles in Muslim countries are shown in the West are often misleading and untrue. Similarly to this, the ways that Western values are translated in Islamic culture are often misleading and this then affects politics and public perceptions – particularlyShow MoreRelatedMuslim Women As A Symbol Of Oppression856 Words  | 4 PagesIn the past decade, Islam has been viewed as a male dominant religion. Many people in the west proclaim that Muslim women are forced to wear and do things out of their own will and, therefore, the western society perceives Muslim women as a symbol of oppression. The main subject of controversy is the Islamic veil. In addition, the west proclaims Islam to be a sexist religion as the Muslim women are not held equal to men including a limited amount of women’s rights in Islam. In the Deepa Kumar articleRead MoreEssay about Ibn Battutas 1331 Journey to West Africa1353 Words  | 6 PagesIbn Battuta’s 1331 jo urney to West Africa provides a contrast of two worlds: Battuta’s pre-modern Islamic culture conflicting with African societies’ interpretation of Muslim beliefs and tribal traditions. He is especially critical of the various roles of women he observesâ€â€thus, allowing us insight into his own judgments formed by his culture and society. A brief summary of his life is paramount in the understanding of Battuta’s impressions and reactions to West African society. 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Secondly, some Muslim co untries treat women unjustly inRead MoreI Met Up With A Young Lady Name Zeinab At Starbucks860 Words  | 4 PagesZeinab, a female foreign student from Morocco, who can speak fluent Arabic, English and French. At the age 18, Zeinab arrived in California to purse a higher education (Bachelor Degree). Before coming to American in December 2009, Zeinab’s father was against having his daughter come to an unknown and far distance place from Morocco. From hearing stories about how a young female should not be alone in distance places terrified her father. Another reason was how dangerous it is for a female to travelRead MoreThe Gender Roles1630 Words  | 7 PagesIn every religion, culture and country there are many different roles for each gender. From the day we are born, we are led and pushed towards what the normal female or male does on a daily life. Gender roles have always existed even before history was written. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Personal and Professional Development Planning PDP
Personal and Professional Development Planning PDP Welcome to my Personal and Professional Development Planning website. This site contains different types of PDP documents, forms, evaluation tools and links for useful websites. Ive developed this web site as a resource for backing students up on the University Certificate in the Professional Development and the free elective Key Skills Development through Part-Time Voluntary Work better and ease for your learning. I hope that you will find a chance for your material to be useful and relevant. Feel free to use the resources here, but please protect me if you’re copying any of them. Most of the learning materials are here as word documents, but not as puff files - this is so, that you may change the materials slightly in your choice. If you can think of any useful way I can improve this website as a learning resource please let me know it. - A.G.Holmes@hull.ac.uk This site is best noticed in Netscape Navigator. If the tradition of the colour has changed since you last looked, then entity on the site has been updated. Only those who are asleep make no mistakes Ingvar Kamprad (founder of Ikea) The difference between prosperity and breakdown is only the word. Phil Silvers aka Master Sergeant Ernest G. Bilko PPD as I prefer to call it, a structured process by which a person relies upon and plans their own current and future learning and development; either personal development orShow MoreRelatedThe Development Of A Pdp917 Words  | 4 PagesA PDP is a tool that clearly indicates identified challenges (learning or development needs) in order of priority. Each competency in the PDP assessment informs specific outcomes with the help of this tool (Francis et al., 2014). I can easily monitor my progress towards my progress towards my set goals using the high competencies of my personal and professional skills to improve my areas of opportunities. My PDP shown in table 1, highlights my competencies that needs to be achieved by July 2016.Read MoreDefinition Of Personal Development Plan Essay2237 Words  | 9 PagesDefine Personal Development Plan Often people say, â€Å"There is always a room for improvement,†and to make it viable there are few things that can be adopted in life. Have you ever thought of Personal Development Plan? It is a roadmap to your personal growth and one can expect to achieve success through proper planning. It is actually a practice that revolves round the goals decided by individual that emphasizes on specific areas of Personal Development. Through Personal Development, it is possibleRead MoreProfessional Development Plan1604 Words  | 6 PagesProfessional Development Plan The world is going through an era of rapid professional change and development. This has led to increased uncertainty for all professionals in the world of work. To ensure sustained growth in success and longevity of ones professional career, it is important to develop a strategic plan that focuses on training and developing a professional. Such a plan aims to put one in a position of advantage for employment in the long term in this rapidly changing professional worldRead MorePrinciples of Personal Development in Adult Social Care Settings1217 Words  | 5 PagesHealth and Social Care Assignment UNIT 2 - PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT IN ADULT SOCIAL CARE SETTINGS ASSIGNMENT OVERVIEW In this assignment, you will look at the importance of reflective practice in adult social care. You will explore how reflective practice can improve your development and practice and contribute to the quality of service provision You will also look at the process of planning development, and the importance of feedback and reflect on how your values, belief systems mayRead MoreSupervalue, Inc Professional Development Program Essay1200 Words  | 5 PagesSUPERVALU, Inc. Analysis of Professional Development Program There were only a few strengths in SUPERVALU’s Professional Development Program (PDP). The mere fact that they recognized they needed a program to develop leaders was one positive. As Paul Cimmerer indicated in the article, â€Å"SUPERVALU was not doing a good enough job of bringing new people on board or grooming them for growth and effectiveness.†That was the genesis behind the PDP program - to attract and prepare high-potential collegeRead MorePrinciples of Personal Development in Adult Social Care and Settings1049 Words  | 5 Pageswhat they do is competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants’ ‘ï ¬ tness to practice’ is determined. For a care worker to work in a certain profession, they have to register with their particular Professional Council and then work to the Codes of Practice which they deem ï ¬ t. Not following their Code of Practice could result in them being taken of the register and no longer allowed to work in that role. Codes of Practice are speciï ¬ c to work roles: Read MoreAdvanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan1694 Words  | 7 Pages Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan Introduction Advanced practice nurses are nurses who possess post-graduate education and training in nursing, and who have been equipped and prepared with advanced clinical and didactic knowledge, skills, education, and scope of practice in nursing (Schober, 2017). Because of the increased demand for care to levels that greatly surpassRead MoreHealth and Social Care Diploma 3 302969 Words  | 4 PagesAssignment 302 Principles of Personal development in adult social care settings Task A You are going to be a mentor for a new social care worker as part of their induction process. Part of your role is to help them prepare for the review of their probation period. Ai Create a guide for the new social care worker about how to reflect on their practice. The guide must include the headings listed with an explanation of each. a) What is reflective practice? b) Why is reflective practice importantRead MoreContinuous Self Development1629 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Development Planning Checklist 092 Introduction Employers are increasingly aware of the importance of investing in their staff and often put structures in place to provide opportunities for the development of employees. Nonetheless, managers also need to take personal responsibility for renewing and updating their skills and knowledge throughout their working lives. Personal development is a lifelong process of nurturing, shaping and improving skills and knowledge to ensure maximumRead MoreAssignment 302 Principles Of Personal Development In Adult Social Care Settings1374 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Assignment 302 Principles of personal development in adult social care settings Task A Guidance You are going to be a mentor for a new social care worker as part of their induction process. Part of your role is to help them prepare for the review after their probation period. Ai Create a guide for the new social care worker about how to reflect on their practice. The guide must include the headings listed with an explanation of each. a) What is reflective practice? b) Why is reflective practice
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Contents of My Backpack Free Essays
Although I am only at the beginning of my teaching career, I feel as if I have many things already stowed away in my Dakine green, black, and white plaid backpack. My items are similar to Mr. Goldman’s items in that they have very little to do with the topics that I teach but are able to transform my classroom environment, stay along the guidelines of time management, and allow students to learn at their own pace. We will write a custom essay sample on Contents of My Backpack or any similar topic only for you Order Now The items that I have in my backpack include: a Nerf basketball, wireless mouse, pens and pencils with colorful erasers, 3 ring hole punch, dollar store multi colored star stickers, a small bust of George Washington, and a mustache mug. Not all of these items are essential teaching tools but some of them are used so frequently that I could include them in my curriculum. The Nerf basketball is used just about every day in my math class, it helps me get volunteers for questions, provides a reward to students, and encourages others to be supportive of their classmates. The last two coincide with a game I stole from a teacher in the district high school called ‘Math-sketball’. It’s a simple game where everyone works out the problem on the board and after the buzzer counts down students need to have their answer written on their scorecard. Those students who answer correctly get to line up for a free throw shot with the basketball, students cheer each other on to make the basket and if a student misses, classmates are there with words of encouragement. This mini failure of missing a shot and the support of their classmates to try again next time is important for the students. I teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math students in a Resource Room at a middle school. The wireless mouse allows me to use the technology in the room without being plastered to the wall which would allow students to get distracted with other things going on in the room or outside the windows. I am able to keep close enough to my students, check their progress with the material, as well as circulate around the room to keep an eye on drifters. My 3 ring hole punch is one of my best items. I use it to keep myself organized with binders, lessons, units, tests, and other materials, but I also use it to hole punch everything that I give the students. This helps them with their organization but doesn’t stop them from misplacing their homework. I will have to find a reasonable price for microchips that I can attach to homework assignments so it is never misplaced or lost in a locker. The dollar store multi colored star stickers are used as a reward for students who are ready for class, hand in assignments, score well on tests, or help out during the class without being asked. It’s a way to keep the students active and engaged without constantly reminding them to do something or not to do something. I am sure that over my teaching career more items will be put into the backpack and that some items will replaced or taken out of the backpack, but as long as my mustache mug doesn’t crack, chip, or shatter, that will be my staple item, how else will I be able to fuel up during the day? How to cite Contents of My Backpack, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Role of Writing in Imperial and Modern China
Writing is one of the major factors of communication in the present and ancient world. One is able to pass information from one group of people to another through writing. Chinese writing, especially logographic writing system has been rated as the world’s greatest writing system.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Writing in Imperial and Modern China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This system was widely used than the alphabetical systems, and up to the 18th century more than half of the world’s library has the Chinese books including works of speculative thoughts, historical writings of different kinds and novels, along with writings on government and law (Perry 23). People rarely know the origin of Chinese writing; however, it is traced to have begun in the early second millennium BC (or Yin) dynasty (18th–12th century BC). Chinese language used to show more of ideas than the organiz ation of the language; this made Chinese language be thought of being a logographic type. For example, in Chinese, the identical sound pattern and each of these words are expressed by visual pattern that is distinctive (39). Literate Chinese Speakers mostly draw characters in the air to differentiate homophones (Ray Cleaveland 134). Writing started separately in some parts of Asia and Egypt. The Chinese orthography has its rules, which differ greatly with other forms of writing; this is what makes it unique among other writing systems (Qiu, Mattos Norman 12). Civilization was then brought due to the stability of the Chinese written language. Books that were able to include these interpretations in details were then published. Writing has, therefore, played a significant role in imperial China, as both the artistic pastime for cultured Chinese and the bureaucratic means to warrant the operation of state power. From a political viewpoint, writing has really boosted the way people lo ok at the politics of this country. China is one of the places that are experiencing legitimacy and this can be seen clearly on how parties present themselves to the people. Markedly, the style of presentation can either boost legitimacy or undermine it. Communist party in China has been seen presenting itself in an awkward way, which has resulted in erosion of traditional Confucian discipline of the state.Advertising Looking for essay on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is a belief that the one-party system is liable for China’s economic success, and that it will remain the dominant force for years to come. It is through writing that the above issues have been raised and made public (Perry 28). Even though the subject of republicanism has stayed to be significant until the present times, the legitimacy of sticking to one-party rule has made it face growing public discontent over widespread corruption among its political leaders. Evidently, the true picture of Chinese politics remains exposed through writing. Constitutionally, China is a â€Å"People’s Republic,†but in real sense there has been nothing of such kind. Although China is independent, corrupt leaders dominate the country staining the image of this country. The politburo system was rejected in most parts of the communist world when the world war ended. The party has always left a bad record whenever it presents its manifesto for political reforms. While the new leaders seems to accept that the party’s badly corrupted image is in urgent need of a makeover, no strong ideas have yet been brought forward (Ray Cleaveland 135). Even though reorganization of China’s political system can improve the current governance system, analysts tend to concentrate on Western democracy while neglecting to focus on modern China. Another famous writer also wrote that, in its narrowest sense, a republic is a politica l order in which the president is not a monarch. Thus, republicanism emphasizes politics by image (Qiu, Mattos Norman 156). The final source of legality is seen as the moral center that has been governed and on good discipline and is acknowledged by the entire community. Republicans in China have been seen campaigning for good morals specifying the qualification a good leader should possess. All the people who were supposed to work in the emperor in China were subjected to exams and interviews, where those who pass the recruitment process secure employment. Though this system worked exceptionally well, and gave out good results, the dynastic system later abolished it in 1911. Since the Modern republicanisms took the leadership, they were unable to take care of the political stability of the country, which resulted in its failure (Zhu 234).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Writing in Imperial and Modern China specifically for you for only $16. 05 $11/page Learn More Chinese has always made writing to be the target of modern reforms. The reform plan, which was seen as the biggest program of change for at least 30 years in China, encompasses major social changes, which comprises of an easing of the One Child Policy and the abolition of â€Å"re-education through labor†camps. This was a strong sign that President Xi Jinping had proclaimed his authority at the controls of the world’s second biggest economy (Qiu, Mattos Norman 200). Xi said that reform and opening up would bring up a decision of the destiny of the modern China, which is also the key of realizing the dream of national transformation. Another reform that has been brought about through writing is the reform on production of movies. Many writes love China, as it always has the best writing skills and good people who can be able to interpret it well. He said that China is going to strengthen the protection of intellectual property and ownership rights. Through the industry of writing, Chinese government has seen the need of having a court of law that is able to protect writers against piracy. Most film producers have been happy since the introduction of these reforms, as they protect them from piracy. So many written materials try to describe how China can be able to develop in its cultural industries. Moreover, it specifies a clear direction saying that Beijing government would aim to â€Å"encourage the development of non-state owned cultural enterprises†(Ray Cleaveland 202). They have also described how the government would encourage state owned cultural enterprises to change their systems in order to become shareholder enterprises. This could be a reference to organization and companies such as the state-owned film Colossus China Film Group, which has a stock market plan listing for years. There was great emphasis on business privatization in this context together with putting barriers to publicatio ns. As it had been thought, the wider plan mostly tackles the economic reform, but in the social areas, there is a wider change than what anyone had been expecting.Advertising Looking for essay on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Government support that include financial support, education, or even construction of good social amenities can support current artists in constructing the meaning of writing. The government has already accepted to support writers through financial support and strengthen copyright policy. Notably, these reforms are intended to spread cultural exchanges and promote international contact and external discourse system, to boost Chinese culture to the world (Perry 137). Even though, this document is great in covering a wider area, it does not elaborate the whole essence of Chinese writings. There are five things, which have been tackled through writing. Innovations in the field of science are the first concept that writing has put forth. China as a country is now at a critical juncture where it needs to build on the past through effective planning in writing. Even though it faces both the challenges and opportunities, it must consider ways of achieving such developments. The congressâ⠂¬â„¢s feedback include, China needs to continue putting more emphasis on economic development. However, investing in education and science is one of the vital things that need to be considered keenly given that education is the source of every innovation and development. The major aim is to improve people’s lifestyles and raise their living standards by providing employment to the unemployed. Economic growth can only be met if the government is going to improve its infrastructure, make sure its political systems are respectable, and make sure the countries core values are protected. The urge brought about through the approach that put more emphasis of the well-being of China’s people and stresses comprehensive, holistic sustainable and best development is what the writer a â€Å"scientific outlook on development†describes (Perry 97). Secondly, a change in the writing policy will result in improvements and opening up of China’s democratic space. Young Ch inese writers have also emerged with their books trying to bring reforms to this country. Author Yang Zewei is among those who want to show how they feel the country needs to move on through their literary writings (Zhu 123). Young writers have also emerged fighting for transformation of China; they claim to educate the public on the ways to be reformed and educated. In June, Bai Ye was heard acknowledging the work of these young authors. The emergence of young authors made the longtime critic relieved given the immediate substitute by the brilliant group. Another writer, Xing An, who is planning another publication have an urge of showing the post 1980 generation’s real power and want to show them that they need to play superior roles in the writers’ club (Qiu, Mattos Norman 200). Chinese president has also been quoted praising the writers for their recommendable job. He said that writers are to be aware of the sacred mission assigned to them by the times and the cit izens. In the speech he gave out, Hu challenged writers to focus mostly their writings in principles of â€Å"Serve the people and serve Socialism†He added that writers should get close to real life issues and solution to problems that people encounter. They need to uphold the spirit of Chinese nationality and produce a greater number of greater works that will live up to the history, the times, and the people (Zhu 136). He acknowledged the effort of writers, which they put in promoting development and prosperity of the socialist culture, saying that artistic undertakings are important parts of the socialist cause with China’s own greater section of socialist culture. Hu claimed that the responsibility of writers and artists is inimitable for the larger development of the Chinese country making them win the trust of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the citizens as well. Writers club has truly helped Chinese writers in expressing what China as a country need to d o and what writers should do as well (Zhu 138). Chinese writers have used writing to preserve their culture by noting down their past cultural practices, as well as noting down the origin of the entire society. For example, the ruling systems and practices of most kingdoms and empires in the ancient China have guided current leaders in modifying their ruling systems in order to handle different regions within the expansive country. An example of the Han dynasty, which is one of the most pronounced Empires of Chinese development. Definitely, Han Empire reigned in China between 206 BC and AD 220, extended its boundaries, and firmly established its administration (Ray and Cleaveland 205). In addition, its governing system has existed in the cultural history of China and embraced among by the current generations. During the years when this empire administrated, there were various changes especially in the western region. Apparently, there was amendment of the extravagant law of Qin Dyna sty and establishments of the most comprehensive cultural ruling. These cultural rulings were Confucianism, which was a set of ethical beliefs acquired from the teachings one of the Chinese scholars called Confucius. During this time, writing helped to keep traces of law modifications and changes in operations of the state. Notably, writers could advocate for alterations of cultures considered backward by the Chinese people. Presently, cultural modifications have taken center stage in which writers have played part of the role in bringing out the uncouth practices that need urgent reforms. Current Chinese writers use writing to streamline the society in line with the expected economic, social, and political development. Writers have been at the forefront in outlining procedures and steps that the government can adopt to increase their performance in order to remain competitive in the present world. Even though writers have been using writing to pass vital information to the public a nd the government, most of them have faced stringent opposition from the targeted bodies, especially government agencies. For example, writing as a powerful tool of transforming society in the political aspect is tricky if the theme of the writing intends to correct government practices. Again, opposing a deeply rooted cultural practice in the society has also made writers face constant rebellions. Although China has been promoting writing all through, some foreign writers are pulling out from Chinese market. For example, in 2003 writer Hillary Rodham Clinton pulled out from Chinese market citing use of her content without her consent. Another writer, Mr. Qiu, who was born in China, but writes English books said he reluctantly agreed to some alterations though he found many had been done without his knowledge too (Qiu, Mattos, and Norman 213). He added that some corrections only make the book lose its theme; this made him not to allow his fourth publication in China after having bee n banned for three consecutive times (214). In most of their works, writers inculcate themes that citizens feel are vital for the betterment of their lives, both from the cultural dimension and from political perspective. Clearly, writing played essential roles in Imperial China, and continues to play the same function in modern China. Works Cited Perry, Elizabeth J. Grassroots political reform in contemporary China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2007. Print. Qiu, Xigui, Gilbert Louis Mattos, and Jerry Norman. Chinese writing. Berkeley, Calif.: Society for the Study of Early China and the Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, 2000. Print. Ray, Katie Wood, and Lisa B. Cleaveland. About the authors: writing workshop with our youngest writers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2004. Print. Zhu, Xinmin. Communist China’s political reform and political development. Taipei: World Anti-Communist League, China Chapter:, 1987. Print. This essay on Role of Writing in Imperial and Modern China was written and submitted by user Kyr0n to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Free sample - Death. translation missing
Death. DeathSuzan -Lori Parks is an American artist, who stayed in Germany for quite some time when she was young. As a writer, she received several awards in 2001 and 2002 consecutively. Parks was heavily influenced by Faulkner’s book ‘As I Lay Dying’, written in multiple perspectives. Her own version, ‘Getting Mother’s Body’, borrows heavily from Faulkner’s book in terms of stylistic devices and plot arrangement. On the other hand, William Faulkner who at one time was awarded an award for literature back in 1950s was a child of Murray Charles. Born in America, his writing skills are well known with several stories and novels to his credit. His style of writing is connected to modernism European literature; which is why the reader unless very keen and highly intuitive, cannot grab anything until may be later in the text. Back in 1930, ‘As I Lay Dying’ was brought in the lime light by William Faulkner. The text revolves around Addie Bundren sickness, her eventual death and burial ceremony. In the text, the author uses the family of the deceased to communicate their information through monologue. The late is not caught in many incidences by the reader using monologue apart from when she is pronouncing her burial site. In this article, the focus will be in one specific way in which Lori Parks in her text Getting Mother’s Body 2003, echoes and perhaps rewrites William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying 1930. It will focus on how a specific theme of death is focused in the latter as echoed in the former. The essay will bring on the surface how death is witnessed in the two books beyond the literal meaning of the word. Like for example, how is death experienced in marriages? What causes the death of characters? How is it received by the bereaved? In the two books, the theme of death is evident and is being represented by the two mothers in each case. Just like in Faulkner’s book where the family is moving with the body of their dead mother in preparation for burial in the upcountry, in Parks text, Billy Beede is soliciting for support from his close friends and family to help get the body of her mother given that the burial location is being taken over by a shopping mall enterprise. In Parks’ text, the mother’s blues songs are used symbolically by the author to show her message while in Faulkner’s text the mum talks while in the burial box. In this text, the author engineers the death of Billy’s mother to come when she is only ten years of age and this leaves her with a lot of problems as the only people who can take care of her is the aunt and the uncle. On the other hand, Faulkner brings on the surface the little children of Addie when she dies. Although the father is still alive, the family is very poor and they even struggle to give her a decent burial. In Getting Mother’s Body by Parks, the death of Billy’s mother left her so disappointed now that she was an orphan and she was living in Texas town which was being associated with poverty. This is also the same case in Faulkner’s text when Cash the eldest son of Addie makes her a coffin way before she had died. The death of Addie Bundren in Faulkner’s text is received by the family members differently. The youngest son Vandram likens her death to that of a fish he manages to trap some hours back. He is so disturbed that her mother is closed in a box. Just like Billy Beede gets pregnant while still a teenager, the same happens to Dewey Dell in Faulkner’s book in that she gets pregnant while still a teenager. Another echo in form of thematic concern of death by Parks is the death that is experienced in marriages. In the text ‘Getting Mother’s Body’, Billy is unfortunate to get pregnant while she is hardly eighteen years of age. On getting pregnant, she parts way with her estranged boyfriend. This can be viewed as a death of a relationship which emanates from the love that the two had dying. On the other hand, in the text ‘As I lay Dying’ Faulkner’s exposes Dewey Dell as experiencing the same type of death in her affair with Lafe. This is clearly brought immediately after her mother dies so much so that she is so frustrated that she cannot even be in a position to mourn the death of her mother. Going by this, it is evident that parks echoed Faulkner’s book only that in the latter’s text the girl gets pregnant immediately her mother dies while in the former’s it come after some time. In Parks text, ‘Getting Mother’s Body’ the sudden death of Willa Mae’s marriage is brought out. When this happens, she decides to move in with Dill Smiles. After some time Billy is born although she is dark skinned owing to her mother’s many lovers. This is after the death of her former marriage which equally does not seem to work magic for her. On the other hand, in Faulkner’s text, the marriage of Addie Bundren is headed for the rocks due to poverty. This leads to constant quarrels between her and Anse Bundren her husband. The theme of death is further emphasized in the two books on how the bereaved behave upon the death of a loved one. For instance, when Willa Mae succumbs, owing to self induced miscarriage, Dill Smiles, upon receiving the shocking information, avails himself in hospital just in time to offer her a decent burial as the deceased had requested. Willa, as it is revealed in the text, had been buried with very expensive jewels. This is a clearly indication how the dead are honored by those left behind. On the other hand, the death of Addie Bundren is taken with a lot of seriousness by all and sundry in Faulkner’s text. Upon her death after a long illness, her son Cash takes his time to build a coffin just for his mother. He does this with a lot of seriousness as he takes into account all his skill to come up with something magnificent just for her mother. On the burial ceremony day, the same honor for the dead is witnessed where people sing in honor of Addie. The men are also seen o bserving silence as a sign of respect and honor to the deceased. In the same way dill smiles honors the wish of Willa Mae on where she will be buried, Anse Bundren tries so much to honor the request of her wife although by the time she dies he is very broke. It is amazing how the dying women talk in their deathbed. In Parks’ text, ‘Getting’s Mother’s Body’, Willa talks to dill smiles on where to be buried. She also reveals her affair with an affluent man who gave her an expensive ring. She requests to be buried with it. In Faulkner’s text, Addie Bundren talks on her deathbed about her affair with a rich man from the town. This she says led to a very miserable marriage to her husband Anse Bundren. It is the same infidelity that resulted to the birth of Jewel just like in Parks’ it led to Billy’s birth. The theme of death is further emphasized in different ways by the two authors. In Parks’ text, the death is symbolically brought through self induced miscarriage by Willa Mae. It is clearly seen in the text how the writer engineered Willa’s death through abortion that turns sour. This is meant by the author to show the reader how dangerous abortion is, that it can result to death. In Faulkner’s text, the author uses the younger son to compare the death of Willa with that of a fish. It can be explained to say that the death of the fish is symbolic of Willa’s death just as the young son observes. It is also surprising how everybody relates everything to death. Upon the death of her mother Jewel also tends to think that his horse was dead. In a strange but equally humorous way, the two authors bring on the surface the death of the unborn. In Parks’ text, Willa Mae meets her death while she was trying to kill the unborn child in her womb. As fate would have it the unfortunate happens. This might have been used by the author to caution on the dangers that comes with abortion. In Faulkner’s book, Dewey Dell attempts to commit the same mistake that Willa did although her efforts to try and buy a medicine to induce abortion is cut short by a pharmacy attendant who takes her to bed. Finally, the last nail on the coffin of Anse’s marriage to Addie is witnessed when he introduces his new bride to his children. In conclusion, Parks’ text, ‘Getting Mother’s Body’ borrows heavily from Faulkner’s text ‘As I lay Down’ in many perspective. The same thematic concerns addressed in the former’s book are the same in the latter’s. All in all, parks have given the story a different meaning and it sounds more interesting compared with the original text.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
The Battle of Concepcion of the Texas Revolution
The Battle of Concepcion of the Texas Revolution The Battle of Concepcià ³n was the first major armed conflict of the Texas Revolution. It took place on October 28, 1835, on the grounds of Concepcià ³n Mission outside of San Antonio. Rebel Texans, led by James Fannin and Jim Bowie, fought off a vicious assault by the Mexican Army and drove them back into San Antonio. The victory was a huge one for the morale of the Texans and led to the subsequent capture of the town of San Antonio. War Breaks out in Texas Tensions had been simmering in Mexican Texas for some time, as Anglo settlers (the most famous of whom was Stephen F. Austin) repeatedly demanded more rights and independence from the Mexican government, which was in a chaotic state of disarray barely a decade after gaining independence from Spain. On October 2, 1835, rebellious Texans opened fire on Mexican forces in the town of Gonzales. The Battle of Gonzales, as it came to be known, marked the beginning of Texas armed struggle for Independence. Texans March on San Antonio San Antonio de Bà ©xar was the most important town in all of Texas, a vital strategic point coveted by both sides in the conflict. When war broke out, Stephen F. Austin was named head of the rebel army: he marched on the city in the hopes of putting a quick end to the fighting. The ragged rebel â€Å"army†arrived at San Antonio in late October 1835: they were heavily outnumbered by Mexican forces in and around the city but were well-armed with lethal long rifles and ready for a fight. Prelude to the Battle of Concepcion With the rebels camped outside the city, Jim Bowies connections proved vital. A one-time resident of San Antonio, he knew the city and still had many friends there. He smuggled a message to some of them, and dozens of Mexican residents of San Antonio (many of whom were every bit as passionate about independence as the Anglo Texans) surreptitiously left the town and joined the rebels. On October 27, Fannin and Bowie, disobeying orders from Austin, took some 90 men and dug in on the grounds of the Concepcià ³n Mission outside of town. The Mexicans Attack On the morning of October 28, the rebellious Texans got a nasty surprise: the Mexican army had seen that they had divided their forces and decided to take the offensive. The Texans were pinned against the river and several companies of Mexican infantry were advancing on them. The Mexicans had even brought cannons with them, loaded with lethal grapeshot. The Texans Turn the Tide Inspired by Bowie, who kept cool under fire, the Texans stayed low and waited for the Mexican infantry to advance. When they did, the rebels deliberately picked them off with their lethal long rifles. The riflemen were so skilled that they were even able to shoot the artillerymen manning the cannons: according to survivors, they even shot down a gunner who held a lighted match in his hand, ready to fire the cannon. The Texans drove off three charges: after the final charge, the Mexicans lost their spirit and broke: the Texans gave chase. They even captured the cannons and turned them on the fleeing Mexicans. Aftermath of the Battle of Concepcià ³n The Mexicans fled back into San Antonio, where the Texans dared not chase them. The final tally: some 60 dead Mexican soldiers to only one dead Texan, killed by a Mexican musket ball. It was a heady victory for the Texans and seemed to confirm what they suspected about the Mexican soldiers: they were poorly armed and trained and didnt really want to be fighting for Texas. The rebellious Texans remained camped outside of San Antonio for several weeks. They attacked a foraging party of Mexican soldiers on November 26, believing it to be a relief column loaded with silver: in reality, the soldiers were only collecting grass for the horses in the besieged city. This became known as the Grass Fight. Although the nominal commander of the irregular forces, Edward Burleson, wanted to retreat to the east (thus following the orders that had been sent from General Sam Houston), many of the men wanted to fight. Led by settler Ben Milam, these Texans attacked San Antonio on December 5: by December 9 the Mexican forces in the city had surrendered and San Antonio belonged to the rebels. They would lose it again at the disastrous Battle of the Alamo in March. The Battle of Concepcià ³n represented everything the rebellious Texans were doing right†¦and wrong. They were brave men, fighting under solid leadership, using their best weapons - arms and accuracy - to best effect. But they were also unpaid volunteer troops with no chain of command or discipline, who had disobeyed a direct order (a wise one, as it turned out) to keep clear of San Antonio for the time being. The relatively painless victory gave the Texans a great morale boost, but also increased their sense of invulnerability: many of the same men would later die at the Alamo, believing they could hold off the entire Mexican army indefinitely. For the Mexicans, the Battle of Concepcià ³n showed their weaknesses: their troops were not very skilled in war and broke easily. It also proved to them that the Texans were dead serious about independence, something that had perhaps been unclear before. Not long after, President/General Antonio Là ³pez de Santa Anna would arrive in Texas at the head of a massive army: it was now clear that the most important advantage the Mexicans possessed was that of sheer numbers. Sources Brands, H.W. Lone Star Nation: The Epic Story of the Battle for Texas Independence. New York: Anchor Books, 2004. Henderson, Timothy J. A Glorious Defeat: Mexico and its War with the United States.New York: Hill and Wang, 2007.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Ebay Case Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ebay Case Analysis - Assignment Example These include SWOT analysis, STEEP analysis, competitor analysis, and financial comparison. These analysis will enable the management determine whether the company has the prospects of growth and success in its operation and will assist in the formulation of policies required in overcoming the threats and the challenges (Campbell and Craig 73). The tools further reveals the opportunities and the strengths that eBay must continue to pursue to remain a market leader. In as much as eBay recorded growth since inception, recent growth rate has slowed and revenues have declined for the first time. The company growth was achieved because of the strategic alliances and acquisitions that were entered into by the company. Acquisitions and strategic alliances is a faster way of entering new markets and increasing the market share. eBay has started losing market its market share to new innovative competitors and is faced by a host of challenges. Through analyzing the case Donahoe, the company pr esident, aims at determining the following: The greatest opportunities and threats that faces eBay external environment eBay’s greatest weaknesses and strengths whether eBay purpose statement is sufficient in directing the management in making important decisions. Whether shifting of eBay shift from the core competencies is a right strategy for the company’s success. ... STEEP analysis will help in determining the competitiveness of eBay. Factors considered in this analysis are the social, technological, economic, environmental, and political environment. The social factors provide eBay with an opportunity to increase its returns and performance. With an increasing number of people using the internet, eBay is in a position to attract new entrants and increase the number of people buying through the company market place. The youthful population access most of the information online and eBay management can capitalize on this to market their products on face book, twitter, and even Skype. This will reduce marketing costs and further increase the scale of operation. The increasing aging population on the other hand will likely to hamper the performance of eBay because it reduces the company’s primary customers. Economic factors also influence the operations and performance of eBay. First, the economic downturn provides eBay an opportunity to incre ase the number of buyers. With the decline in the disposable income, increased unemployment, and mortgage crisis will make customers look for discounts and therefore prefer eBay as a market place (Campbell and Craig 76). On the other hand, economic downturn also poses a threat on eBay competitiveness as it could result into fewer buyers and force the company to lower the fixed prices by more than 70% to become competitive. This could therefore shrink the revenues and profits of thee business. Furthermore, the fees on charged on infrequent sellers could have a negative impact on the revenues. In addition, the expansion of developing countries would give eBay an
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Emergency Preparedness and Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emergency Preparedness and Response - Essay Example The laboratory workers identify the pathogen, and physicians notify the local health department and treat the patient (Hughes & Gerberding, 2002, p.1013; Harris & Yeskey, 2011). The latter serve as the early warning system in the prevention and response system (Harris & Yeskey, 2011). Once identified, state and national health agencies must be notified. Hughes and Gerberding (2002) stressed the importance of the â€Å"’golden triangle’ of response between clinicians and clinical microbiologists, the health-care delivery system, and public health officials†(p.1013). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) oversee the golden triangle. They allocate funding across health agencies. In response to the 2001 anthrax attacks, CDC created â€Å"rapid response teams composed of individuals with expertise in field operations, epidemiology, microbiology, data management, and communications†to assist affected areas (Hughes & Gerberding, 2002, p.1014). CDC is in charge of disseminating knowledge of new infections and treatment methods. However, communication is not well developed. Szpiro, Johnson and Buckeridge (2007) argued that early recognition and two – way communication between the health officials and clinics are insufficiently developed in the USA. As a result, a needed prophylactic distribution within three days after an attack cannot be achieved (Szpiro, Johnson & Buckeridge, 2007, 102, p.103). They argue that the health system needs to incorporate syndrome surveillance of all possible biological pathogens affecting humans, so that in case of an attack, symptoms can be recognized. Following the current suit of only few pathogen recognition abilities, most pathogens go unrecognized (Szpiro, Johnson & Buckeridge, 2007, p.103). However, in case of anthrax, since its occurrence dropped to zero after 1900, only one case would be necessary (Szpiro, Johnson & Buckeridge, 2007, p.104). Syndromic
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Holistic and interconnected
Holistic and interconnected Olivia Wray 13AL ASSIGNMENT 4 UNIT 3 Holistic and interconnected The development of children is often studied as separate topics, for example their different skills are viewed and measured in different ways. However, each area of development influences the others, and is interconnected. Each different development skill is seen differently in every child. Holistic; can be viewed as PIES, physical intellectual emotional and social development. Physical development is a gradual process by which children develop the use and control of muscles. Intellectual development is sometimes called cognitive development, its a process by which thought processes develop so children are able to increase their knowledge and understanding of the world around them; social development involves children learning how to develop relationships and interact with other people. Emotional development is the process of a child developing an understanding of, and controlling their own emotions and learning to express and control emotions that they show to others. The most important years for the holistic and interconnected development of children are most important in the age range 0-3. Different rates but broadly the same sequence Because children develop at different rates, parents and guardians often worry their child is not developing or growing at the correct rate. However, because children grow and develop at different rates, its usually still in the same sequence, and the differences are only minute. This means that children will learn to do things at different ages to each other, but they will have learned things in the same order. An example may be that some children might be able to walk at the age one, where as other might not be able to, until they are 18 months. All childrens milestones will be met when they are ready, however a child cannot walk before they can sit up, the order in which we learn to do things is a ‘norm, its the only way our body will function and work correctly, or else we would not develop at the correct rate. All children are different and unique in different ways, and when they are growing parents and guardians often compare their childs development and growth to other children and the mile stones, however, as children will develop and grow at different times, they will generally be quite similar unless they have a growing deficiency or some other genetic problem that may affect their growth. Nature/Nurture Debate It has already been considered that the influence of nature and nurture in the development of babies and children can be viewed as a debate, but there are other controversies surrounding the principle of development, the nature nurture debate can turn into an argument, as different parents have different parenting skills, and bring their children up with different disciplinary skills etc. An example of the nature nurture debate is what Developmental psychologists say and their differing views about the nature of the change in development. The issue of quantitative and qualitative change raises interesting questions, for parents also. When a child is born ‘clever, it can be questioned whether their parent have a lot of money and could just provide the relevant and best materials for their education, this is just an example. Children may reach milestones of development at different ages. For example, when children take their first step or say their first word, can vary greatly. Milestones are often used to measure development, such as when a child can sit without support. These milestones have to be used with care as the whole (or holistic) development of a child should be considered before drawing any conclusions. However, there is generally accepted range of normal development. Following a milestone, isnt the best way to monitor a childs development, as every child is individual and will vary significantly. THEORIES- nature/ nurture debate The nature-nurture debate is about whether childrens development is influenced by nature (the effect of inherited) or nurture (environmental factors). Because every person who is a parent or guardian, hopes for their child to be happy and healthy, and develop at the expected mile stone rates, parents find bringing up their children and giving them the best really important for a successful development. The potential for growth and development is affected by inherited factors. This is called the interaction with nature. In addition, factors within our environment influence development. This is called the interaction of nurture. There is much debate about how much and in what way either nature and/ nurture affects the process of development- known as the nature-nurture debate. Supporters of the nature side of the argument believe that intelligence is inborn, or innate, and the childs genes have determined their cognitive potential. Supporters of nurture believe that environmental factors, such as the childs stimulating experiences in the early years, have a strong influence on cognitive development. It is generally considered that both nature and nurture interact and influence the developmental process. Stages and sequences- normal ranges of development Children develop at different rates for a variety of reasons. However, development does follow the same sequence. The upper part of the body, especially the brain and head, develops rapidly, while the lower part of the body follows more slowly. This is called head to toe or cephalo-caudal development. Also, development starts from the centre outwards. This is called inner to outer or proximodistal development. Hence, a baby can hold its head up before it can stand and can wave its arms around before it develops fine control over the use of its hands. As there is no such thing as ‘normal development, it can be difficult to follow stages and sequences, as development is individual, and cant be measured in comparison to any one elses. Percentiles Percentile charts help to keep a record of your childs growth and development. Percentile charts are important for keeping track of individuals and comparing their heights weight and other bodily measurements, to expected milestones. Physical development Gross and fine motor skills Gross motor skills are the large muscles of the body that enable functions such as walking, maintaining balance, co ordination, jumping and reaching. During development children reach milestones according to their development individually. At the same time as a childs gross motor movements are developing, so are their fine motor skills. In order for children to develop motor control, children need to: Practice to improve and master the skill Concentrate on small parts of the overall skill, e.g. children learn to place two feet to a stair before developing the more complex skill of alternate feet action. Pay a lot of attention to the action; later they can do the action almost automatically. Have experience of a range of movement activities to develop their memory of motor actions enabling them to cope with more complex situations. 0-3 Newborn babies are born with certain reflexes. These are involuntary, automatic, physical responses, triggered by a stimulus and determined by impulses in nerves. Everybody has some reflexes, for example knees jerk when tapped, which you do not learn to do; they are inborn. This means you cannot control whether you react or not, however as we get older we become more aware of reactions in our bodies and what stimulates our bodies. The large movements include gross motor actions, which involve the use of the whole limb, for example when hopping. Also locomotive skills which are movements needed to travel, for example crawling and walking. These gross motor skills will develop through out your life, babies often are flexible and as they grow and get older, they become less flexible, this is just an example of how motor skills will develop and change, affecting children and babies lives as they begin to do things for themselves and provide for themselves, this relates to the nature nurture debate as it is argued by some that our natural ways of fending for ourselves could be mistaken for the way we are brought up and the environment we are brought up in. Reflexes enable babies to survive, for example seeking and then taking their food. At such a young age gross and fine motor skills are extremely important as they will need to be able to fend for themselves and be able to do things for them selves as they get older, although through a lot of early child hood everythings done for you, by the age of three you usually start going to a care placement, where everything cant be done for you, and this is when children really do have to use their developed skills and start developing new ones. For each individual child they will develop and grow at different rates, this includes their gross motor skills. The patterns in which children develop can depend on many things, and at such a young age, the baby now will wholly depend on their parent/carer. However children are constantly learning new ways in moving, experimenting with their bodies and learning new things about how they can move and ‘travel. The babies reflexes will depend on how they react to some things, again, every child is different, as some children will be physically stronger than others whilst others will be more tame and ‘sensitive, making their reflexes and reaction rates different. The factors that may affect childrens development is their physical state, for example their weight, and their muscle tone. As children between 0 and 3 years, will be growing at a rapid rate, it can sometimes be difficult to be aware of both gross motor and fine motor skills. As a child learns intellectually, with different materials and toys, they will use a number of grasps and skills to control and enjoy what they are doing successfully. For example a 6 month year old is not going to be able to control the movement of a crayon; however an 18 month year old may be able to draw basic shapes, at least to the extent where you can tell what the picture is of. This example shows the rates in which babies and children are changing, and the rates in which they become more and more aware of different skills that they can use. Fine motor and gross motor skills will be learnt and put into practice by different individuals at different times and in different ways. From researching gross motor and fine motor skills I now know that, physical appearance will affect intellectual thoughts, as ridiculous as it may seem childrens learning ability can be affected by their confidence and awareness; if a child doesnt have the confidence to try new skills and ways of doing things at such a young age, they clearly wont be confident enough in their future, the times when they need to do things for themselves and fend for themselves. 3-7 By the age 3-7 childrens gross motor and fine motor skills have developed. Not all children develop at the expected mile stones but in schools and nurseries there are expectations which expect to be met, adult expectations will influence children to develop skills and will then be praised and rewarded for developing them. Runs well, marches, rides tricycle. Can feed self. Pours from jug. Puts on shoes and socks, buttons and unbuttons. Builds 10- block tower. Is awkward when cutting with scissors. Can wash face and dress self except for tying shoes. Throws ball overhand. Has lots of energy. Hops, skips, and has good balance. Dresses without help and ties shoes. Can print simple letters. Is right or left handed? Competes with friends. Loves to cut, colour, and shape things. Has lots of energy. Likes learning how to use tools. Can bathe and dress with a little help from parents. Is losing baby teeth and growing permanent teeth I have taken these points from a number of places which I have researched. These are just average things children may be able to do, however, some children might be able to do more or less. 7-12 At this age, children can hop on either leg, and balance well along small spaces, their space recognition has improved and they are more aware of what is possible and not. The gross motor skills at this age have increased in both stamina and accuracy, they are also more able to control their bodily actions, and have developed a number of skills. 12-16 Between the ages of 12-16, children will have developed most or all of their fine motor and gross motor skills. As these children have gone through different stages of education they will have picked skills up and used them in their everyday lives, without even knowing. For example holding a pen and controlling it to write in both scroll and print, this is a talent to be able to do, even though the children think its just normal, it does require a number of skills and concentration. 12-16, is the age when puberty starts, and as research has shown children now will start to crave independence, this makes children want to explore with their bodies more and use different techniques when doing things, such as learning a new sport, or taking up a hobby such as art. Emotional development Attachment In children attachment and bonding is a process in which young children form close and loving relationships with their family, and other important people in their lives, such as brothers and sisters, and close friends. Even their early years care workers will have a relationship with the child, and it will be so close that they have built trust and a bond. Close relationships give children a feeling of security and love. This security helps children to cope with new experiences and new situations they may have to face in life. The child needs people in their lives that they can trust and rely on, whilst developing self confidence in the process. Bowlby a child psychologist researched in depth childrens attachment needs and the consequences of lack of attachment. Bowlbys theory relates to the bonds of attachment in children, and explains the relationships children need and want in their lives. Bowlby explained that children develop bonds of attachment through out their lives with different people involved in their lives; he also went on to explaining how relationships can give children a sense of belonging and security. To Bowlby, attachment is trusting, loving and being able to rely on someone that is involved in their lives. New situations and experiences will come into childrens lives, and according to Bowlby, it is through these experiences that children become aware of different personalities in people, and who they should and shouldnt trust. Bowlby also argued that children with lack of attachment grow up to be more insecure, and crave love/attention, often getting them in bad relationships and becoming insecure and over protective. Development of multiple attachments Developing multiple attachments means developing relationships and trust with more than just family, ‘going out the box, meaning they meet new people who become significantly important to them and a relationship is build, forming a bond of attachment. Its important that a xchild doesnt feel fearful in the presence of new adults and children in their lives, they need to feel safe and secure at all times, knowing that who they are with will protect and understand them. Self-concept A self concept is important in a childs life, as it is how they feel about themselves. Self concept is how you look at yourself, and even young children have opinions of themselves and ways they would like to change themselves. Parents and guardians have a duty to praise their children and make them feel good about themselves, for example if a child is of a different culture they may feel ‘out of place, they are not out of place or any different to any other child so parents and carers have a duty to let them know and make sure they feel good about themselves. Personal identity Personal identity is how a child views and judges themselves. Everybody has a personal identity, and will judge it whether they feel negative or positive about themselves, personality or looks. Self esteem and self concept are both factors that will affect personal identity. Bowlby Bowlby drew together such limited empirical evidence as existed at the time from across Europe and the USA. His main conclusions, that â€Å"the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother substitute) in which both find satisfaction and enjoyment†and that not to do so may have significant and irreversible mental health consequences, were both controversial and influential. The 1951 WHO publication was highly influential in causing widespread changes in the practices and prevalence of institutional care for infants and children, and in changing practices relating to the visiting of infants and small children in hospitals by parents. The theoretical basis was controversial in many ways. He broke with psychoanalytic theories which saw infants internal life as being determined by fantasy rather than real life events. Some critics profoundly disagreed with the necessity for maternal (or equivalent) love in order to function normally, or that the formation of an ongoing relationship with a child was an important part of parenting. Others questioned the extent to which his hypothesis was supported by the evidence. There was criticism of the confusion of the effects of privation (no primary attachment figure) and deprivation (loss of the primary attachment figure) and in particular, a failure to distinguish between the effects of the lack of a primary attachment figure and the other forms of deprivation and understimulation that may affect children in institutions.. Bowlbys theory is based on attachment, and he explains that when a child forms an attachment with some one they are in a process in which they are forming a relationship, whether it be with family, or with friends, The closer an attachment forms, the more trust that is built, children will often start to rely on people they build attachments with, they will look for security in them and expect a strong relationship. Freud Freud has been influential in two related but distinct ways. He simultaneously developed a theory of how the human mind is organized and operates internally, and a theory of how human behavior both conditions and results from this particular theoretical understanding. This led him to favor certain clinical techniques for attempting to help cure psychopathology. He theorized that personality is developed by the persons childhood experiences. Emotional development of older children 0-3 At a young age babies and toddlers are starting to develop different concepts and abstract ideas, based on the senses of growing and understanding. Babies and children explore using their own senses through activity and movement. They also like to give and receive eye contact as this gives an attachment and makes them feel emotionally involved with the person, this links into Bowlbys theory of attachment. At this age, whether they are a couple of months or 3, they love to get cuddles, and be fed through a bottle, or have contact during feed, bottle or breast. Feeding time gives children a sense of feeling, and they feel close to their parent or guardian, when a child is a couple of months old, they often like to be held close to their guardian, and it reminds them of being in the womb, where they felt safe and secure. Babies respond to things that they see hear and feel, this can be done through play, activity and feeding. All which are important factors for influencing the growth and development in a childs life. At such young ages it is important that young babies and children have plenty of physical contact, and time with their parents, this will form an emotional attachment and they will be ware of the feelings they have for different people they meet during their lives. When babies and children feel emotion it is often because they are happy, or upset, babies between the ages of 0 and 3, wont often feel anger, as they dont understand what feeling angry feels like, however, in some cases they become confused about how they feel, which could be angry. It is important that parents and guardians of children do everything they can to protect and maintain happiness in a childs life. Not caring for the emotional needs of a baby, is emotional abuse, as they dont understand how they should feel, but only how they do feel. Often abusers of children will start with putting things in childrens heads, its not until they are old enough to know how their emotions work. Emotional development in such a young age will start with a child becoming content, and then not content, they will feel safe and secure, then as soon as their parents or guardians leave them, even for a couple of seconds they become distressed and upset, this is just an example of how children emotional development will work. 3-7 At this age children often like to do things unaided, they enjoy being with family, and love playing with other children and alone. They have developed a skill where they can show emotion appropriately, and can view things from different points of view. Children at this age know rules, morals and values in life, and are more able to share toys, ideas and know how to take turns. They have developed a gender role now and are aware that boys and girls are different and will enjoy different things, making friends and having friends for a child of 3-7, is extremely important. 7-12 Children at this age will be able to control how they feel about other people and different situations. They know how to keep their own thoughts private, and hide their true feelings. They dont only know who they are, but know who or what they would like to be like, they become critical about themselves and start wanting changes, for example putting their mam or sisters make up. At school and where they live children start to form close relationships with other children, often sticking to their own sex. 12-16 This age is when they are experiencing education, exams and facing up to different morals. They will be physically and intellectually developing rapidly, causing sexual feelings for others, and thought of how they want to change! Children will often be going through puberty now and this will cause a lot of how they feel about themselves and others. Social development Parents show a great deal of interest in their childs developing personality. Even babies only a few weeks old display distinct personalities. Personality is thought to be a result of a combination of nature and nurture. In other words, it is influenced not only by what is inherited from parents, but also by our environment. The childs initial temperament affects the childs developing personality. Environmental factors then come into play. Our experiences are very important in forming our personality. Some babies are very placid and easily soothed, whilst others seem to find it difficult to settle. The reaction of parents and carers to difficult children is taught to be crucial in reinforcing this type of temperament or helping not to emphasise it. An important aspect of social development is the development of children moral or pre social behaviour. The family, other significant adults and children have an important role to play in this. Pro social behaviour Pro social behaviour is how a child intends to act socially, they might want to make new friends at school, but find it hard, and they might want to be involved in a social group but feel embarrassed or not good enough. Being influenced is important for a childs social skills to develop, if they are from a family who dont really socialise and just stay together as a unit, the child will think thats the norm and wont want to socialise- this is a key issue as children need socialise as a factor of development in life. Moral development Moral development comes from children seeing or doing something ‘wrong and facing consequences, then learning from then. Children need to do and see things go wrong in order to learn from them. Some children find it difficult to identify wrong and right, meaning they dont understand what morals are; also what is and isnt acceptable. Development of aggression Aggression can develop in a child as they get older, have behavioural difficulties, or suffer from some sort of abuse or hard time in their lives. When children let things build up in them emotionally, they feel anger for anyone around them, they feel like they need somebody to take their troubles out on. Children can act aggressive when not getting their own way, whether its just the way they are or they are copying someones behaviour from home. Managing unwanted behaviour Many children have behavioural difficulties, which are due to different reasons, not all aimed at the parents nurturing skills but other psychological problems that may consist. Managing unwanted behaviour can only take place by using the correct strategies; most strategies in which promote social and emotional development. Anyone working in an early years setting will be aware of the coping strategies and the different behavioural problems, such as hyperactivity, which wont be completely stopped in the setting, but controlled. Some children who have behavioural problems may use aggression when they find them selves in awkward situations, the child cant help how they are acting so it is important that an adult controls them as they may become anxious and scared. Also it is important that the environment is made suitable for the child, and to treat the child ‘differently to the other, giving them a sense of importance and respect. If a child becomes withdraw, its important that they are made to be included with others, as they will fee more equal in a sense that they arent just the naughty child. Conditioning Classical conditioning may influence behaviour in children and how they behave around certain people. For example children will become relaxed and ‘act themselves around friends, but, when they see their head teacher, will become quieter politer and intimidated. This is a natural reaction, as you expect different rules boundaries and happenings with different people, this happens especially in children. Reinforcement Reinforcing good behaviour is done through prizes and rewards. Children prefer to be rewarded with something they love; and not their something they love to be taken away. Reinforcement can be done in many different ways, and by different people in a childs life; for example if a child misbehaves at school, their teacher telling them if they behave to a standard they will receive a prize, rather than telling them if they misbehave they will lose something they enjoy, such as their lunch break. This good behaviour may be reinforced by a reward of a  £5 note if the childs behaviour has been good during the visit, this is an example of reinforcing good behaviour. Social learning Social learning happens through learning oft those in your every day surroundings. Parents are friends are main influences of social learning and they can copy and develop their personalities and actions, for example if a childs older sister, their role model, smokes, they will want to as well; as they see it as correct or ‘cool, thinking doing this will make them more like their role model. Imitation A younger child imitates the other childs behaviour, e.g. a younger child may copy an older childs use of bad language. Role models Children may see members of their family as role models. For instance, an older sibling gets a reputation at school for behaving badly so the younger child feels the need to follow the family tradition by using the other child as a role model. Adults may reinforce this pattern of behaviour by their expectations based on their knowledge of the family. Cognitive and language development Vision Babys visual sensory system isnt fully mature at birth, however during the early years, babies develop and mature eye sight, meaning they are able to physically see, and develop stimuli, causing them to be able to further away. Babies looked at the face-pattern more than anything else presented to them, meaning they become familiar of faces of family members, parents and anyone involved in their early life, rather than other things such as toys, or books. Fantz a child psychologist that I have researched, concluded that babies have an inborn preference to respond to faces and an innate perceptual knowledge of the face. However other studies carried out have shown that babies have a preference for increasingly complex patterns and their capacity for differentiating patterns steadily develops. From Fantzs research he found out that babies at a very young age are aware of colour shape and patterns, and do start to have preferences before they know what something is. Also, his study showed that when a child is learning to speak etc, seeing a shape they like, for example a strawberry, will help them remember, say and understand the word. Hearing From birth babies seem to have an inborn preference for hearing the human voice. Condor and Sanders carried out some experiments on babies that were just a few hours old, and the experiment showed that
Friday, January 17, 2020
Six sigma
The major changes in the new standards are the increased focus on commitment from top management, customer satisfaction, emphasis on processes, and continual improvement. 2. ISO sass's evolution has steered it away from the Total Quality Management philosophy. 3. Organizations should be Just as concerned about the quality of their services s they are about the quality of their product. . ISO introduced organizations to the concept of the internal customer. 5. Service and service delivery characteristics are not measurable. 6. An internal audit is performed by an entity other than the organization. 7. For registered organizations three levels of audits are used to verify the integrity of the quality management system. 8. Assignable causes are always bad causes which will result in special variations. 9. Because of the central limit theorem, the standard deviation of the sampling striation is equal to the population standard deviation. 0. When DAMP = 21, the process sigma level is abou t 5. 6 sigma. II. Multiple Choice: Circle the letter before the correct answer in each of the following questions. (5 questions, 2 points each, total 10 points) 1 . Which of the following statements is true concerning the U. S. Representative to ‘SO, ANSI? A. The American National Standards Institute was founded in 1985 B. Ann.'s members include less than 500 US businesses C. ANSI is the administrator and coordinator of the US voluntary standardization system D. All of the above statements are true 2.Throughout the text of this international standard, wherever the term â€Å"product†occurs, it can also mean A. Process B. Repair C. Service D. None of above 3. When reading an ISO 9001 standard, it is a good idea to apply which of the following approaches? A. Read the clause verbatim B. Formulate an explanation of the requirement and write them down C. Ask yourself how this requirement actually applies to your organization D. Apply all of the above approaches 4. Top manag ement should establish a customer-oriented organization by A.Defining systems and processes that can be clearly understood, managed, and improved in effectiveness as well as efficiency B. Insuring effective and efficient operation and control of processes and the measures and data used to determine satisfactory performance of the organization C. Both a and b D. None of the above 5. ISO 9000 documentation is typically comprised of which four levels? A. Policy, procedure, practice, proof B. Records, quality manual, practice, proof C. Manual, clause procedures, documentation, proof D. None of the above are the four levels of documentationIll. Based on what you learned from the classes and your understanding, summarize how to start a six sigma, and the major steps of a six sigma projects. Briefly discuss the useful tools in the first two phases (D, M). Organize your answer properly and use less than 300 words.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Effect of Technology on Modern Society Essay - 703 Words
The evolution of technology has changed society in both positive and negative ways. People all over the world use and benefit from modern technology. Technology has simplified the access to many tools people need in education, medicine, communication, transportation, etc. However, using it too often has its drawbacks as well. In most cases, the time of finishing projects is cut by more than half with the help of technology. Many people do not realize that technology has its negative affects society as well, and its rapid advances has changed life for worse in a number of different ways. Technology has changed the relationships of families. Distracted by their laptops, TV’s, smartphones, and video games, families can’t have a friendly†¦show more content†¦Also, students today can talk with their teachers from home, and learn all the information from the Internet and finish a research assignment that used to take days because of books, in a matter of hours. But, students of the newer generations seem to have many problems with writing complete sentences or spelling words because of the frequent usage of text messages and the many hundreds of acronyms used to shorten texts. But besides memory problems, technology usage can cause serious diseases as well. Health problems caused by technology have turned into a big problem, especially among teenagers. People, especially teens, pay a high price for relying on social media, video games, and TV, especially when it comes to sleep. The internet has become an addiction, we need it like we need air to breathe. This addiction seems to be the cause of several serious health problems such as sleep deprivation, vision problems, obesity, etc. Addiction to technology has also made people lazy. Instead of going outside, playing sports and running around, they would rather stare at a screen, inside and the only exercise they get is sitting up in their chair and walking to the fridge for food. 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