Monday, December 23, 2019
The Opportunities and Power of Globalization - 537 Words
Globalization is a power that affects everyone on the world. Globalization is when companies expand internationally. Globalization offers a great deal of opportunities such as opening up new trade routes and new technology. Globalization is seen differently by different people. M. Khan (2004) argues, â€Å"for the economist, globalization is essential the emergence of a global market. Sociologists see globalization as the celebration of diversity and the convergence of social preferences in matters of lifestyle and social values†. In a way all of these perspectives are true. Some of the advantages of globalization are growth in the economy and a decrease in poverty. Globalization according to P. Mourdoukoutas (2011) â€Å"businesses to communicate efficiently and effectively with their partners, suppliers, and customers and manage better their supplies, inventories, and distribution network†. Because businesses are able to communicate they can grow and then allowi ng the economy to grow. D. Griswold (2000) explains: â€Å"growth in turn leads to poverty reduction because a World Bank study found that periods of sustained economic growth are almost always accompanied by reductions in poverty. Specifically, the study found that poverty fell in 77 of the 88 decade.†Looking at globalization from this point of view makes the reader bias towards the positive effects. But nothing is entirely good. Globalization like most things has some drawbacks. One of the biggest drawbacks ofShow MoreRelatedGlobalization of the Economy1729 Words  | 7 PagesEconomic globalization has voluminous positive influences on international security as well. The most important effect of economic globalization is that it curbs the authority of state. It also reduces states’ dependence on military based security and ultimately reduces states’ monopoly on security. This effect is considered by many, a prime factor contributing towards peace and stability. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
A Child in Pre-Revolutionary America Free Essays
Perhaps I am too young to be on the right side, my mother told me. As a five year old in Pre-Revolutionary America, I am unable to understand the true meaning of the â€Å"writs of assistance†or the â€Å"Sugar Act.†However, I feel enough for my family and the people I love to want nonviolence to prevail. We will write a custom essay sample on A Child in Pre-Revolutionary America or any similar topic only for you Order Now  In other words, I would not want bloodshed to enter my home, nor affect the friends I have got here, including the few British friends I have recently made and who are honestly good to me. I know about the Indian clashes against the British. While they were happening – as they still do from time to time – my mother was silent most of the time. Yet, my father, who is a prominent lawyer and the owner of a large estate, which is referred to as a Colonial home, told me everything possible about a bigger war that may or may not be started, depending upon the conditions between the British Empire and the people of the Colonies. My father is a great man. My mother tells me that Dad is visited by some of the brightest people in the Colonies. And yet, I cannot force myself to believe in him when he tells me that the people are generally unhappy with the British Empire. When I was born, the British Empire was my so-called ruler anyway. I did not care that they formed my government. Neither do I care now. I would rather allow the British Empire to stay on and pursue their goals in the Colonies, than to see war kill my family and all of my friends. My mother, who writes poetry, tells me that my father might have to go to some of the most influential people of America and advise them in the event of a big war. I do not want to believe her. More importantly, I fear for her more than anything else, perhaps, in the event that my father goes away during the big war that is expected and not expected at the same time. At one time when my father became seriously ill, my mother nearly died of sadness. She wrote and published a beautiful, sad poem in the New York Mercury at the time. When she read the poem to me and told me how appreciated the poem was by all the people who knew her, I informed her that she need not be sad anymore because she has succeeded. She reminded me, however, that it is perfectly appropriate to be sad in the event of one’s husband’s illness. I changed the topic then. But I somehow gathered that at the back of her mind was the fear that my father might lose his life during a big war with the British Empire that the people in the Colonies were about ready to wage. Perhaps a poem would not be able to alleviate her suffering at a time like that! The other day when some so-called intellectuals were visiting my home, my mother told me that they were asking all the women at the gathering, including herself, to consider working on the fashions of the times that would have nothing whatsoever to do with the British imported fashions. Mom explained to me later that even my clothing was British most of the time. Dad said that that was not true. Perhaps it is only in part true that I wear the kinds of clothes that British children wear in America. And so, Mom was asked along with many other women to start thinking of new fashions that could be introduced in the absence of the British after the big expected and unexpected war. Although I do not know yet what the new fashions may or may not be, I would be interested in seeing my mother act creatively while designing the new clothes, and stop thinking about war while she is at it. Maybe she does not think about war all of the time. But I feel that she does. How to cite A Child in Pre-Revolutionary America, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Pregnancy Discrimination in the Workplace Essay Sample free essay sample
Protection against favoritism in employment extends to all facets of the employment relationship. from the enlisting and choice procedure. through all the assorted facets of the working relationship. to the expiration of the employment. Pregnant adult females have important legislated rights other than those under the Human Rights Code. hereinafter referred to as â€Å"the Code†. most significantly under the Ontario Employment Standards Act ( ESA ) and the federal Employment Insurance Act ( EIA ) . These rights may overlap with the Code protections. or may supply extra protections. Common negative stereotypes and attitudes are frequently causes for favoritism in employment on the footing of gestation. such as the fact that a pregnant adult female will non be able to work expeditiously and efficaciously during her gestation and that adjustment of her demands will be burdensome. This thought is digesting and persistent. even though it is non tolerated by the facts and can be in fluential to employers to non engage pregnant adult females. Pregnancy in the workplace is a cardinal human rights issue of equality of chance between adult females and work forces. Womans should non endure negative effects in the workplace merely because they are pregnant. Workplace regulations and occupation maps may impact a pregnant employee otherwise than other employees. For illustration. in this instance. the employer refused to engage the occupation applier who was pregnant for 7 months. because of the period of her gestation and that she would non be able to transporting heavy supplies from bringing new waves into the kitchen. although she was willing to transport reasonably heavy 1s. This illustration shows the occupation applicant having differential intervention and negative effects. British Columbia ( Public Service Employee Relations Commission ) v. British Columbia Government Service Employees’ Union ( 1999 ) SCC 48. known as Meiorin for short. created a incorporate trial to find if a misdemeanor of human rights statute law can be justified as a Bona Fide Occupational Requirement ( BFOR ) . In this instance. Tawney Meiorin was employed as a fireman by the British Columbia ministry of Forests. The authorities adopted a series of fittingness trials that all employees were required to go through. three old ages after being hired. Meiorin passed all the trials except for one that required her to run two and a half ( 2. 5 ) kilometres in 11 ( 11 ) proceedingss. Her best clip was 49. 4 seconds over the lower limit allowed. Due to this. Meiorin was fired. The Supreme Court of Canada examined the old methods of analysing Human Rights misdemeanors. observing where they were deficient in that the research that the trials were based on was uncomplete and â€Å"impressionistic†. and did non take into history the differences between adult females and work forces in set uping a criterion. The Court so proposed a new â€Å"Meiorin Test†. In this trial an employer can warrant the disputed criterion by set uping on the balance of chances that the employer adopted the criterion for a intent rationally connected to the public presentation ; that the employer adopted the pecu liar criterion in an honest and good religion belief that it was necessary to the fulfilment of that legitimate work-related intent ; and that the criterion was moderately necessary to the achievement of that legitimate work-related intent. To demo this. it must be demonstrated that it is impossible to suit separate employees sharing the features of the complainant without enforcing undue adversity upon the employer. Furthermore. prima facie instances of gestation favoritism occur when the employee. occupation applier in this instance. demonstrates that she was pregnant at the relevant clip and the employer was cognizant of her gestation. doing her to see inauspicious intervention with regard to her employment. As explained in the facts of the instance and in conformity with the Meiorin trial. the employer justified the favoritism because he or she believes that the occupation demand to raise heavy supplies could non be fulfilled by the occupation applicant due to her gestation. doing differential intervention to the applier. The applicant notified the employer of her gestation. which triggered the employer to indicate out the occupation demand of raising heavy supplies. Although the applier was willing to raise reasona bly heavy supplies. the employer still refused to engage her for the mere fact of her advanced period of gestation. hence making a Prima facie instance. Second. The Canadian Human Rights Act. hereinafter referred to as â€Å"the Act†. prohibits favoritism related to gestation. Since adult females are the lone 1s who can go pregnant. favoritism related to gestation is a signifier of sex favoritism. Discriminatory patterns related to gestation. such as negative intervention. expiration of employment. torment. and refusal to engage or advance are against the jurisprudence under the Act. Harmonizing to subdivision 5 ( 1 ) of the Code. every person has a right to be treated every bit sing employment without favoritism of â€Å"race. lineage. [ sex ] . sexual orientation. gender individuality. gender look. etc. †Further. harmonizing to subdivision 10 ( 2 ) of the Code. â€Å"the right to be intervention without favoritism because of sex includes the right to be intervention without favoritism because a adult female is or may go pregnant. †Therefore. as shown in the facts of this instance. the employer infringed upon these rights. giving the occupation applicant the right to action based under sex favoritism. since merely adult females can go pregnant. This misdemeanor of the Code is capable to the bona fide demands because the fact that the applier is pregnant is non rationally connected to the public presentation of the occupation. and the applier would be able to transport out bulk of the occupation demands. Similarly to the Meiorin instance. whether the applier was pregnant or non. the employer failed to see the strength differences between work forces and adult females. If there are boxes that are exceptionally heavy. a male might still hold to be the one to transport it from the bringing new wave to the kitchen. alternatively of a non-pregnant female. This is because work forces and adult females have different criterions of strength. Consequently. accommodations to working conditions may be required to cut down or extinguish prejudiced effects. Unless the adjustment will do undue adversity. employers have a legal duty to suit demands related to gestation. The pregnant employee. the employer. and other parties such as brother hood representatives. must collaborate and compromise to happen sensible and practical solutions. In most instances. adjustments for demands related to gestation affect increasing the flexibleness of policies. demands. and regulations. and will non necessitate important disbursals. Therefore. in this instance. the employer could’ve hired the applier because she was demoing her ability and willingness to carry through all occupation demands. including raising reasonably heavy supplies that any non-pregnant female could raise. The applier was seeking to compromise with the employer sing the abovementioned occupation demand. nevertheless the employer did non demo any marks of cooperation. via media. or consideration of strength criterions. In the instance of Dorvault v. Ital Decor Ltd. ( 2005 ) BCHRT 148. a adult female applied for an office place. After her interview. the employer called her and offered her a place. At that point. the adult female told the employer that she was pregnant. and would necessitate to take a pregnancy leave in about six month’s. The employe r said that he would hold to confer with his concern spouse. and he would name her dorsum. nevertheless. the pregnant adult female neer heard from the company once more. The Tribunal found that the employer had decided non to engage the adult female based on her gestation. This is an illustration of how employers discriminate on the footing of gestation. neglecting to recognize the effects they may digest such as being sued. Discrimination on the footing of gestation constitutes improper sex favoritism. It is against the jurisprudence in Canada for an employer to decline to engage a adult female because she is pregnant if she is able to execute the â€Å"essential duties†of the occupation. The applier in this affair seemed to be able to transport out the indispensable responsibilities of the occupation. which were to assist around the kitchen. including transporting reasonably heavy supplies to the kitchen from bringing new waves. The employer in this affair could hold made adjustments such as taking into consideration strength criterions for work forces and adult females. If employers were more careful in the hiring stage with regard to the things they say. grounds they give for non engaging. and sing all fortunes surrounded them and the emplo yee such as assorted criterions. like strength. so they would non hold to travel through differences such as being sued for refusal to engage.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Original Sources Of Romeo And Juliet Essays -
The Original Sources of Romeo and Juliet There were many other written stories of Romeo and Juliet before William Shakespeare first wrote his version of Romeo and Juliet (Watts 13). The earliest rendition of the play Romeo and Juliet dates back to the third century AD. Then the story reappears in the fifteenth century in a more detailed form. Luigi da Porto publishes a version of this story in 1530. De Porto's play version is where Shakespeare gets the plot of his version of Romeo and Juliet (Bentley138). Then in 1544, Matteo Bandello publishes his version of the story of Romeo and Juliet based on De Porto's play. Boiastuau then translated Bandello's play into French in 1559. Then in 1562 Arthur Brooke translates the French version of Romeo and Juliet into English with a few additions. From these stories William Shakespeare based his famous play Romeo and Juliet. The earliest rendition of Romeo and Juliet was a story called Ephesiaca of Xenophon of Ephesus that was written in the third century AD (Gibbons 33). The wife Anthia is separated from her husband and rescued from robbers by Perilaus; to avoid marrying him she obtains a drug from a doctor that she believes will kill her but it is only a sleeping potion. She awakens in tomb and is carried off by tomb robbers. In the fifteenth century the story is written by Masuccio Salernitano titled Cinquante Novelle (Campbell and Quinn 710). The story takes place in Siena; Mariotto secretly marries Giannozza with the help of a bribed Friar. In a fight Mariotto kills a prominent citizen, and he is then banished. Mariotto asks his brother to keep him informed of the events that take place in Siena as he goes into exile in Alexandria. Giannozza now comes under pressure of her father to marry a suitor that he thinks to be satisfactory. She bribes the Friar to make her a sleeping potion, which she drinks, after sending a message to her husband. She is then buried, and is brought out of the tomb by the Friar. She then sails for Alexandria to reunite with her banished husband. However, pirates captured the message that she sent to her husband. Mariotto, on hearing of her supposed death, returns to Siena disguised as a pilgrim. He tries to open her tomb but is caught and beheaded. Giannozza comes back to Siena and dies of grief in a convent. In 1530 Luigi de Porto publisher his own version of the legend sets the scene in Verona. In his story the lovers are named Romeo and Guilietta and the two families of Montecchi and Capelletti are enemies (Gibbons 34). There is a Friar Lorenzo, and de Porto invents Marcuccio, Thebaldo, and the Conte di Lodrone (Shakespeare's Paris). Romeo goes disguised as a nymph to a carnival ball at his enemy's house in the hope of seeing a lady who is as beautiful as his Rosaline. Giulietta falls in love with him at first sight and, in a dance, a change of partners brings him next to her. They express their attraction to one another and they meet each other each night at Giulietta's balcony until one night Romeo asks her to marry him and she accepts. Friar Lorenzo, a friend of Romeo, marries the two, hoping to bring peace to the two feuding families. Then in a brawl Romeo at first tries to avoid harming any Capelletti, but when his friends are threatened he kills Thebaldo. Romeo then flees to Mant ua, leaving a message to the Friar to keep him in touch with events in Verona. Since Giulietta is eighteen, her parents interpret her grief as a sign that she wishes to be married (Gibbins 35). They arrange for her to be married to Lodrone. She refuses, and so angers her father. She asks the Friar for poison but he substitutes it with a sleeping potion intended to last for forty-eight hours. The next morning she is found apparently dead and is buried in the family vault. A message from Friar Lorenzo fails to reach Romeo, but a servant, believing that Giulietta is dead, gives Romeo the fatal news. Romeo returns to Verona disguised as a peasant and
Monday, November 25, 2019
Stereotyping Essays
Stereotyping Essays Stereotyping Essay Stereotyping Essay Stereotyping has always been viewed as a form of prejudice that interferes with the harmonious relationships of people.  But, there are some groups that view stereotyping as advantageous. During a diversity management session, a manager suggests that stereotypes are a necessary part of working with others. â€Å"I have to make assumptions about what`s in the other person`s head, and stereotypes help me to that,†she explains. â€Å"It`s better to reply on stereotypes than to enter a working relationship with someone from another culture without any idea of what they believe in!†This statement of the manager has some merits, as well as problems. Based on current research, what does stereotyping bring into the work environment? Does stereotyping lead to more advantages than disadvantages? If stereotyping results to negative consequences, how can these be minimized or managed?What is stereotyping?The most definitive definition of stereotyping mu st be assembled from various sources so that any biases in definitions must be removed. In doing so, three important aspects about stereotyping have been discovered. First, stereotyping is based on either initial or early judgment.  Second, stereotyping has basis. This means that physical, social, historical, economic, cultural, geographical, and emotional events create stereotypes. For example, the 9-11 terrorist attacks placed almost all people from the Middle East a member of the Al Qaeda (Wharhaftig 1991).. And lastly, the third aspect of stereotyping has many forms. That is, there can be stereotypes based on gender, age, socio-economic status, religion, and race. In the workplace and within a country, the most common form of stereotyping is based on race. For example, the progressive country of Singapore is composed of the Chinese, the Malays, the Indians, the Eurasians, and other races. Racial stereotyping exists in Singapore (Zhuang 2006). In all three aspects of stereotyp ing, there is no bias towards the negative consequences. It appears that stereotyping may have advantages, especially in the workplace.Why is stereotyping beneficial?In the workplace, stereotyping becomes an important part of decision making, especially when the manager is forced to come up with a decision based on incomplete information.  The argument against this reason is that the manager should have obtained all necessary information so that he would not make a prejudiced decision. Unfortunately, some economists find that the benefits of obtaining more information do not exceed the disadvantages of quickly making a stereotypical decision.  Thus, one strong reason for employing stereotyping is economics. In Europe for example, the strict labor laws prevent many employers from firing workers who do not exactly meet their expectations. Thus, the employer uses stereotyping. If an employer does not heed his preconceive notions and hire someone who does not physically appear as capable, perhaps the beard and hair are too long and the clothes are sloppy, in order to give this applicant a chance, the employer may end up with a lazy worker and this is an economic loss to the company (Malek 2006).Aside from economics, stereotyping is also beneficial in the field of anthropological and cultural studies. The way that social scientists classify culture, into high-context and low-context culture, is an example of stereotyping. High-context culture is composed of people who are more group-oriented, such as most Asians. On the other hand, low-context culture is composed of people who are more individualistic, such as North Americans (Burgess 2003). If speaking before a group of people, the lecturer must take into consideration the nature of the audience. Is it high-context or low-context? In doing so, the speaker will be more effective.What problems does stereotyping bring?Stereotyping also presents problems in the workplace especially when it is typically based on wrong assumptions. A female worker, because of a pretty face, will most probably be stereotyped as less intelligent than the other workers. While there are instances when stereotypes are helpful, there are also instances that stereotypes create a hostile environment in the workplace. With a hostile workplace environment, the whole organization cannot function effectively and efficiently. Stereotyping may also lead to lawsuits, especially in countries where there are strict laws against gender, age, and race discrimination (Hoffman Hurst 1990). Thus, even if stereotyping is pervasive in all aspects of human interaction (Parker, Archer Scott 1992), there is a need to take actions that will reduce stereotyping and minimize or manage its negative consequences.How to minimize and manage stereotyping?There are many books and articles that offer various ways of dealing with stereotypes. For example, Burgess (2003) suggests that media must take more responsibility so that stereotyping is not developed easily especially in children. And then, Breslin (1991) suggests that a person must always focus on the individual. But such a method may not be easily implemented, especially when there are cultural differences. It would be interesting to compare two nations and the different ways that they manage racial stereotypes. The United States deal with racial stereotypes by recognizing the uniqueness of each race. Thus, a Chinese-American is aware of his cultural heritage from China. On the other hand, the government of Singapore suppressed open discussion of racial differences. As a result, a Chinese-Singaporean is only knowledgeable about being a Singaporean, but not about being Chinese (Moore 2000). Which method is better? There is no accurate or morally acceptable answer. Therefore, in managing and minimizing the negative consequences of stereotyping, there must be a scientific approach that focuses on how stereotyping or the early pre-judgments of people can change throu ghout time.Allport (1954) described two ways of changing stereotypes: bookkeeping and conversion. In bookkeeping, the manager accommodates new information that does not agree with the original stereotype. It is a slow process but this is the usual path that people take when they have strong stereotypes of others. Conversion, on the other hand, is a radical change of the preconceived image when a contradictory fact is revealed. For example, if an American coworker is stereotyped as arrogant and he showed humility, then the stereotype is removed.  By focusing on these two processes, the management can deal with the negative consequences of stereotyping.ConclusionStereotyping presents advantages from the perspective of economics, effective communication and cultural studies. However, in the workplace, stereotyping will most likely bring about conflict, hostilities, lower production, and even lawsuits. These negative consequences must be minimized. Unfortunately, stereotyping is prev alent and often utilized. Removing stereotypes, therefore, is neither possible nor practical. But the management can help change, not remove, stereotypes by modeling two processes, bookkeeping and conversion. These two processes happen as more information about the workers is revealed and longer working relationships are carried out. Stereotyping Essays Stereotyping Essay Stereotyping Essay Stereotyping has become so prevalent in the business world. It is as if people have created a giant system that categorizes people and groups into classes. In todays international business world, it is commonplace to work with people from different cultures and thus stereotyping will inevitably exist especially when dealing with people from diversified backgrounds. Stereotypes is defined as A fixed impression which conforms very little to the facts it pretends to represent and results from our defining first and observing second (Katz Brady 1935, cited In Schneider 2004, p. 6). American Journalist Walter Lifespan introduced the concept stereotyping In his 1922 book Public Opinion as a means of describing the way society set about categorizing people -stamping human beings with set of characteristics ( Nacho Lease 1992, n. P). Stereotypes as deflations are usually link to as offensive: they have negative connotations. Elderly are absent minded, athlete as dumb, mother-in-law as troub le maker. And you can easily fill in many others that are far more offensive. But there are also stereotypes which are costive, Asian Americans are smart and hardworking, Hispanics are family oriented, black is good athletes and women are kind and caring (McCrea, Stanton Weston 1996, IPPP). In an organization context, manager tends to engage In stereotypes because drawing on the cognitive Ideas of Lifespan (1992) and Laptop (1954) that as human beings, we need to simplify and categorize the social world (Hint 2000, p. 20). Machines and Tetravalent (2007) states, It Is Impossible to recall the entire unique characteristic of the employee that they have work with. They do not have much information when hey first meet. Therefore they rely extensively on stereotypes to fill in missing pieces. Negative perception views of employer through stereotypes usually limit the persons ability to contribute to the company (Stanton, 2000). Women in the past have been excluded from specific occupation such as engineering. Studies indicate that females and males hold negative stereotypes about the ability of women to be effective engineers. Likewise, to be a good mother, you have to dedicate a lot of time and energy to It and therefore there is this belief that you have less time and energy for ark and so you cant do a good Job. Thus, a woman who Is a mother Is often denied the opportunity to move forward and that Is detrimental to women. This forms a halo effect If a general Impression Is drawn based on a single characteristic (Robbins et al. 1998 p. 130). Easier since it permits us to maintain consistency. It is less difficult to deal with an unmanageable number of stimuli if we use stereotypes (Robbins et al. 1998, p. 128). For example, if a company is hiring a sales manager, the candidate who is young and a fresh graduate will likely to get the Job compared to a candidate who is older in age, aired and with children. The business manager perceives that it will be easier to engage in people who is y oung and has motivation than people who is more devoted to their family and children than with Job responsibility. This supports the managers statement that it is better to rely on stereotypes than engaging with someone of another culture. Advantages of stereotyping have its limitation. Problem occurs when we inaccurately stereotype especially when we speed read others, drawing incorrect pictures because we see what we want to see resulting in unwarranted conclusions from an ambiguous situation. For example, all accountants are not quiet and introspective, just as all salespeople are not aggressive and outgoing. Stereotype in recruitment interviews will hinder the company of an opportunity to recruit the right candidate when interviewers make instinctive Judgment that are often inaccurate which are based on appearance, racial, gender, education level and age. For example Overweight people are viewed in very negative terms, such as being lazy and undisciplined and lacking in self control, and they face widespread coordination'(Allan 1982, cited in Blaine 2000 p. 144). Inevitably, the interviewer will stifle that individuals imagination, initiative, sense of responsibility, and most importantly, his or her investment in the organization. If stereotyping is put in practice in a diversified management, it will become the biggest hurdle in growing developing talent in the organization by not capitalizing on peoples knowledge and such discrimination crushes entrepreneurial spirit. The organization will suffer because no senior management knows or can do everything. A stereotypical assumption about class kills everything that the company is working towards, including profits. Therein, leaders who are serious about fully engaging and leveraging the knowledge of the work force in the enterprise must be adamant about confronting these ingrained views to ensure the companys success, both in the short and long-term. Singapore is a paper chasing society especially in public sector as it still banks on typical assessment methodologies that rely too heavily on academic grades, degrees from top schools, prior industry experience and subjective interview results. Most Job positions are primarily determined by the academic grades and the working experience of the candidates. Thus, civil servants holding middle management level and above are local university graduates with good academic grades. Women in Singapore today have achieved great improvement in various aspects of men. Unfortunately, at the organizational level, women are still under-represented, facing psychological and corporate barriers as they try to move ahead in their careers. Based on Statistic Singapore workforce, the percentage of male holding the cost of administrative, managerial and professional Jobs are higher than females. Major Jobs for women are still dominantly employed in production and clerical work making them more vulnerable to economic fluctuation and retrenchment, low pay and little chance for advancement. This explains why there is still an income gap between female and male having the same Job scope. In short, Old stereotypes can be hard to change as men by virtue of their gender have higher status than women (Basso 1992 IPPP). Todays workforce (and society) demographics are more complex and hybrid than ever before and there is rarely any such thing as pure culture anymore. Thus, despite the fact that stereotyping is a natural method of classification and has useful functions under certain circumstances, it should not be used a standard platform to assess and rely on when it comes to hiring the right person for the company. An effective recruitment process will reduce the subjective element in interviews, increase the success rate of choosing the right candidate and hence cost saving for the company. References: Bigness. Com/papers/30247/Stereotyping/
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bloodlines Chapter Twelve
We tried to tell him that Tamara was killed by Strigoi, but he won’t believe it. He doesn’t want to. He can’t take revenge on a Strigoi. They’re immortal. Invincible. But some human vampire hunter? Somehow, in his head, that’s something he can go after. And if he can’t, then he can focus his energy on how the guardians won’t go after these nonexistent vampire hunters.†I just barely heard Eddie mutter, â€Å"Strigoi aren’t that invincible.†In the rearview mirror, I saw Jill’s face filled with compassion. She was seated between Lee and Eddie. â€Å"Even if it’s a fantasy, maybe it’s better this way,†she suggested. â€Å"It gives him comfort. I mean, kind of. Having something tangible to hate is what gets him through. Otherwise he’d just give in to despair. He’s not hurting anyone with his theories. I think he’s sweet.†She caught her breath in that way she did when she’d said a whole lot all at once. My eyes were back on the road, but I could swear Lee was smiling. â€Å"That’s nice of you,†he told her. â€Å"I know he likes having you around. Turn right up here.†That was to me. Lee had been giving me directions ever since we left Clarence’s. We were just outside of Palm Springs proper, nearing the very impressive-looking Desert Gods Golf Course and Resort. Further guidance from him led us to the Mega-Fun Mini-Golf Center, which was adjacent to the resort. I searched for a parking spot and heard Jill gasp when she caught sight of the golf course’s crowning glory. There, in the center of a cluster of gaudily decorated putting greens, was a huge fake mountain with an artificial waterfall spouting from its top. â€Å"A waterfall!†she exclaimed. â€Å"It’s amazing.†â€Å"Well,†said Lee, â€Å"I wouldn’t go that far. It’s made of water that’s been pumped over and over and has God only knows what in it. I mean, I wouldn’t try to drink or swim in it.†Before I even had the car to a stop, Adrian was out the door, lighting a cigarette. We’d gotten in an argument on the way over, despite me telling him three times that Latte was a strictly no-smoking car. The rest of us soon got out as well, and I wondered what I’d signed up for here as we strolled toward the entrance. â€Å"I’ve actually never been mini-golfing,†I remarked. Lee came to a halt and stared. â€Å"Never?†â€Å"Never.†â€Å"How does that happen?†asked Adrian. â€Å"How is it possible that you’ve never played mini-golf?†â€Å"I had kind of an unusual childhood,†I said at last. Even Eddie looked incredulous. â€Å"You? I was practically raised at an isolated school in the middle of nowhere Montana, and even I’ve played mini-golf.†Saying I was homeschooled was no excuse this time, so I just let it go. Really, it just came down to having a childhood more focused on chemical equations than on fun and recreation. Once we started playing, I soon got the hang of it. My first few attempts were pretty bad, but I soon understood the weight of the club and how the angles on each course could be maneuvered. From there, it was pretty simple to calculate distance and force to make accurate shots. â€Å"Unbelievable. If you’d been playing since you were a child, you’d be a pro by now,†Eddie told me as I knocked my ball into a gaping dragon’s mouth. The ball rolled out the back, down a tube, bounced off a wall, and into the hole. â€Å"How’d you do that?†I shrugged. â€Å"It’s simple geometry. You’re not that bad either,†I pointed out, watching him make his shot. â€Å"How do you do it?†â€Å"I just line it up and putt.†â€Å"Very scientific.†â€Å"I just rely on natural talent,†said Adrian, strolling up to the start of the Dragon’s Lair. â€Å"When you have such a wealth of it to draw from, the danger comes from having too much.†â€Å"That makes no sense whatsoever,†said Eddie. Adrian’s response was to pause and take out a silver flask from his inner coat pocket. He unscrewed it and took a quick drink before leaning in to line up his shot. â€Å"What was that?†I exclaimed. â€Å"You can’t have alcohol out here.†â€Å"You heard Jailbait earlier,†he countered. â€Å"It’s the weekend.†He lined up his ball and shot. The ball went directly for the dragon’s eye, bounced off it, and shot back toward Adrian. It rolled and came to a stop at his feet, nearly where it had started. â€Å"Natural talent, huh?†asked Eddie. I leaned forward. â€Å"I think you broke the dragon’s eye.†â€Å"Just like Keith,†said Adrian. â€Å"I figured you’d appreciate that, Sage.†I gave him a sharp look, wondering if there was any hidden meaning behind that. Mostly, Adrian seemed amused by his own wit. Eddie mistook my expression. â€Å"That was inappropriate,†he told Adrian. â€Å"Sorry, Dad.†Adrian shot again and managed not to maim any statues this time. A couple more shots, and he sank the ball. â€Å"There we go. Three.†â€Å"Four,†said Eddie and I in unison. Adrian looked at us incredulously. â€Å"It was three.†â€Å"You’re forgetting about your first one,†I said. â€Å"The one where you blinded the dragon.†â€Å"That was just the warm-up,†Adrian argued. He put on a smile I think he hoped would charm me. â€Å"Come on, Sage. You understand how my mind works. You said I was brilliant, remember?†Eddie glanced at me in surprise. â€Å"You did?†â€Å"No! I never said that.†Adrian’s smile was infuriating. â€Å"Stop telling people that.†Since I was in charge of the scorecard, his play was logged as four, despite his many further protests. I started to move forward, but Eddie held out a hand to stop me, his hazel eyes gazing over my shoulder. â€Å"Hold up,†he said. â€Å"We need to wait for Jill and Lee.†I followed his gaze. The two of them had been in deep conversation since we arrived, so much so that they’d slowed and lagged behind the rest of us. Even during his bantering with Adrian and me, Eddie had continually checked on her – and our surroundings. It was kind of amazing the way he could multitask. Thus far, Jill and Lee had only been one hole behind us. Now it was nearly two, and that was too far for Eddie to keep her in his sight. So, we waited while the oblivious couple meandered their way toward the Dragon’s Lair. Adrian took another drink from his flask and shook his head in awe. â€Å"You had nothing to worry about, Sage. She went right for him.†â€Å"No thanks to you,†I snapped. â€Å"I can’t believe you told her every detail of my visit that night. She was so mad at me for interfering behind her back with you, Lee, and Micah.†â€Å"I hardly told her anything,†argued Adrian. â€Å"I just told her to stay away from that human guy.†Eddie glanced between our faces. â€Å"Micah?†I shifted uncomfortably. Eddie didn’t know about how I’d gone proactive. â€Å"Remember when I wanted you to say something to him? And you wouldn’t?†I proceeded to tell him how I’d then sought out Adrian’s help and found out about Lee’s interest in Jill. Eddie was aghast. â€Å"How could you not tell me any of this?†he demanded. â€Å"Well,†I said, wondering if everything I did was going to result in the wrath of a Moroi or dhampir, â€Å"it didn’t involve you.†â€Å"Jill’s safety does! If some guy likes her, I need to know.†Adrian chuckled. â€Å"Should Sage have passed you a note in class?†â€Å"Lee’s fine,†I said. â€Å"He obviously adores her, and it’s not like she’ll ever be alone with him.†â€Å"We don’t know for sure that he’s fine,†said Eddie. â€Å"Whereas Micah’s a hundred percent okay? Did you do a background check or something?†I asked. â€Å"No,†said Eddie, looking embarrassed. â€Å"I just know. It’s a feeling I get about him. There’s no problem with him spending time with Jill.†â€Å"Except that he’s human.†â€Å"They wouldn’t have gotten serious.†â€Å"You don’t know that.†â€Å"Enough, you two,†interrupted Adrian. Jill and Lee had finally reached the start of the Dragon’s Lair, meaning we could move on. Adrian lowered his voice. â€Å"Your argument’s useless. I mean, look at them. That human boy doesn’t enter into it.†I looked. Adrian was right. Jill and Lee were clearly enthralled with each other. Some guilty part of me wondered if I should be a doing a better job of looking out for Jill. I was so relieved that she was interested in a Moroi that I hadn’t stopped to wonder if she should even be dating anyone. Was fifteen old enough? I hadn’t dated at fifteen. I’d actually, well, never dated. â€Å"There is an age difference between them,†I admitted, more to myself. Adrian scoffed. â€Å"Believe me, I’ve seen age differences. Theirs is nothing.†He walked off, and a few moments later, Eddie and I went to join him. Eddie maintained his simultaneous vigil of Jill, but this time, I got the impression the danger he was watching out for was right beside her. Adrian’s laughter rang out ahead of us. â€Å"Sage!†he called. â€Å"You have got to see this.†Eddie and I reached the next green and stared in astonishment. Then I burst out laughing. We had reached Dracula’s Castle. A huge, multi-towered black castle guarded the hole some distance away. A tunnel was cut out through the center of it with a narrow bridge meant for the ball to go over. If the ball fell off the sides before getting through the castle, it was returned back to the starting point. An animatronic Count Dracula stood off to the castle’s side. He was pure white, with red eyes, pointed ears, and slicked-back hair. He jerkily kept raising his arms to show off a batlike cape. Nearby, a speaker blasted eerie organ music. I couldn’t stop laughing. Adrian and Eddie looked at me as though they’d never seen me before. â€Å"I don’t think I’ve ever heard her laugh,†Eddie told him. â€Å"Certainly not the reaction I was expecting,†mused Adrian. â€Å"I’d been counting on abject terror, judging from past Alchemist behavior. I didn’t think you liked vampires.†Still grinning, I watched Dracula raise his cape up and down. â€Å"This isn’t a vampire. Not a real one. And that’s what makes it so funny. It’s pure Hollywood camp. Real vampires are terrifying and unnatural. This? This is hilarious.†It was clear from their expressions that neither really understood why this would appeal to my sense of humor so much. Adrian did, however, offer to take a picture with my cell phone when I asked him. I posed by Dracula and put on a big smile. Adrian managed to snap the shot just as Dracula was raising his cape. When I viewed the picture, I was pleased to see it had come out perfectly. Even my hair looked good. Adrian gave the picture a nod of approval before handing me the phone. â€Å"Okay, even I can admit that’s pretty cute.†I found myself overanalyzing the comment. What had he meant in saying even he could admit it? That I was cute for a human? Or that I had just met some kind of Adrian hot-girl criteria? Moments later, I had to forcibly stop thinking about it. Let it go, Sydney. It’s a compliment. Accept it. We played through the rest of the course, finally finishing off with the waterfall itself. That was a particularly challenging hole, and I took my time lining up the shot – not that I needed to. I was beating everyone pretty handily. Eddie was the only one who came close. It was clear Jill and Lee didn’t even have their attention on the game, and as for Adrian and his natural talent†¦ well, they were very solidly in last place. Eddie, Adrian, and I were still ahead of the other two, so we waited for them by the waterfall. Jill practically ran to it when she had the chance, gazing up at it with enchanted eyes. â€Å"Oh,†she breathed. â€Å"This is wonderful. I haven’t seen this much water in days.†â€Å"Remember what I said about the toxicity,†teased Lee. But it was clear he found her reaction endearing. As I glanced at the other two guys, I saw that they shared the same feelings. Well, not exactly the same. Adrian’s affection was clearly brotherly. Eddie’s? It was hard to read, kind of a mix of the other two. Maybe it was a kind of guardian fondness. Jill made a gesture to the waterfall, and suddenly, part of it broke off from the tumbling cascade. The chunk of water shaped itself into a braid, then twisted high into the air, making spirals before shattering into a million drops that misted over us all. I had been staring wide-eyed and frozen, but those drops hitting me shocked me awake. â€Å"Jill,†I said in a voice I barely recognized as my own. â€Å"Don’t do that again.†Jill, eyes bright, barely spared me a glance as she made another piece of water dance in the air. â€Å"No one’s around to see, Sydney.†That wasn’t what had me so upset. That wasn’t what filled me with so much panic that I could barely breathe. The world was doing that thing where it started to spin, and I worried I was going to faint. Stark, cold fear ran through me, fear at the unknown. The unnatural. The laws of my world had just been broken. This was vampire magic, something foreign and inaccessible to humans – inaccessible because it was forbidden, something no mortal was meant to delve into. I had only once seen magic used, when two spirit users had turned on each other, and I never wanted to see it again. One had forced the plants of the earth to do her bidding while the other telekinetically hurled objects meant to kill. It had been terrifying, and even though I hadn’t been the target, I’d felt trapped and overwhelmed in the f ace of such otherworldly power. It was a reminder that these weren’t fun, easy people to hang out with. These were creatures wholly different from me. â€Å"Stop it,†I said, feeling the panic rise. I was afraid of the magic, afraid it would touch me, afraid of what it might do to me. â€Å"Don’t do it anymore!†Jill didn’t even hear me. She grinned at Lee. â€Å"You’re air, right? Can you create fog over the water?†Lee stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked away. â€Å"Ah, well, it’s probably not a good idea. I mean, we’re in public†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Come on,†she pleaded. â€Å"It won’t take any effort for you at all.†He actually appeared nervous. â€Å"Nah, not right now.†â€Å"Not you too.†She laughed. Above her and in front of her, that demon water was still spinning, spinning, spinning†¦ â€Å"Jill,†said Adrian, a harsher note in his voice than I’d ever heard before. In fact, I couldn’t recall him ever addressing her by her actual name. â€Å"Stop.†It was all he said, but it was like a wave of something went through Jill. She flinched, and the water spirals disappeared, falling away in droplets. â€Å"Fine,†she said, looking confused. There was a moment of awkwardness, and then Eddie said, â€Å"We should hurry. We’re going to be pushing curfew.†Lee and Jill set out to make their shots and soon were laughing and flirting again. Eddie continued watching them in his concerned way. Only Adrian paid any attention to me. He was the only one who really understood what had happened, I realized. His green eyes studied me, with no trace of their usual bitter humor. I wasn’t fooled, though. I knew there had to be some witty quip coming, mocking my reaction. â€Å"Are you okay?†he asked quietly. â€Å"I’m fine,†I said, turning from him. I didn’t want him to see my face. He’d already seen too much, seen my fear. I didn’t want any of them to know how afraid of them I was. I heard him take a few steps toward me. â€Å"Sage – â€Å" â€Å"Leave me alone,†I snapped back. I hurried off toward the course’s exit, certain he wouldn’t follow me. I was right. I waited for them to finish the game, using the alone time to calm myself down. By the time they caught up to me, I was fairly certain I had wiped most of the emotions from my face. Adrian still watched me with concern, which I didn’t like, but at least he didn’t say anything else about my breakdown. Surprising to no one, the final score showed that I had won and Adrian had lost. Lee had come in third, which seemed to trouble him. â€Å"I used to be a lot better,†he muttered, frowning. â€Å"I used to be perfect at this game.†Considering he’d spent most of the time paying attention to Jill, I thought third was a pretty respectable performance. I dropped him and Adrian off first and then just barely got Eddie, Jill, and me back to Amberwood on time. I was more or less back to normal by then, not that anyone would’ve noticed. Jill was floating on a cloud as we went into our dorm room, talking nonstop about Lee. â€Å"I had no idea he’d traveled so much! He’s maybe been more places than you, Sydney. He keeps telling me that he’ll take me to all of them, that we’ll spend the rest of our lives traveling and doing whatever we want. And he’s taking all sorts of classes in college because he’s not sure what he wants to major in. Well, not all sorts this semester. He’s got a light schedule so that he can spend more time with his father. And that’s good for me. For us, I mean.†I stifled a yawn and nodded wearily. â€Å"That’s great.†She paused from where she’d been searching her dresser for pajamas. â€Å"I’m sorry, by the way.†I froze. I didn’t want an apology for the magic. I didn’t even want to remember it had happened. â€Å"For yelling at you the other night,†she continued. â€Å"You didn’t set me up with Lee. I should never have accused you of interfering. He really has liked me all along, and, well†¦ he’s really great.†I let out the breath I’d been holding and attempted a weak smile. â€Å"I’m glad you’re happy.†She returned cheerfully to her tasks and to talking about Lee until I left to go down to the bathroom. Before brushing my teeth, I stood in front of the sink and washed my hands and arms over and over, scrubbing as hard as I could to wash away the magical drops of water I swore I could still feel on my skin. Bloodlines Chapter Twelve We tried to tell him that Tamara was killed by Strigoi, but he won’t believe it. He doesn’t want to. He can’t take revenge on a Strigoi. They’re immortal. Invincible. But some human vampire hunter? Somehow, in his head, that’s something he can go after. And if he can’t, then he can focus his energy on how the guardians won’t go after these nonexistent vampire hunters.†I just barely heard Eddie mutter, â€Å"Strigoi aren’t that invincible.†In the rearview mirror, I saw Jill’s face filled with compassion. She was seated between Lee and Eddie. â€Å"Even if it’s a fantasy, maybe it’s better this way,†she suggested. â€Å"It gives him comfort. I mean, kind of. Having something tangible to hate is what gets him through. Otherwise he’d just give in to despair. He’s not hurting anyone with his theories. I think he’s sweet.†She caught her breath in that way she did when she’d said a whole lot all at once. My eyes were back on the road, but I could swear Lee was smiling. â€Å"That’s nice of you,†he told her. â€Å"I know he likes having you around. Turn right up here.†That was to me. Lee had been giving me directions ever since we left Clarence’s. We were just outside of Palm Springs proper, nearing the very impressive-looking Desert Gods Golf Course and Resort. Further guidance from him led us to the Mega-Fun Mini-Golf Center, which was adjacent to the resort. I searched for a parking spot and heard Jill gasp when she caught sight of the golf course’s crowning glory. There, in the center of a cluster of gaudily decorated putting greens, was a huge fake mountain with an artificial waterfall spouting from its top. â€Å"A waterfall!†she exclaimed. â€Å"It’s amazing.†â€Å"Well,†said Lee, â€Å"I wouldn’t go that far. It’s made of water that’s been pumped over and over and has God only knows what in it. I mean, I wouldn’t try to drink or swim in it.†Before I even had the car to a stop, Adrian was out the door, lighting a cigarette. We’d gotten in an argument on the way over, despite me telling him three times that Latte was a strictly no-smoking car. The rest of us soon got out as well, and I wondered what I’d signed up for here as we strolled toward the entrance. â€Å"I’ve actually never been mini-golfing,†I remarked. Lee came to a halt and stared. â€Å"Never?†â€Å"Never.†â€Å"How does that happen?†asked Adrian. â€Å"How is it possible that you’ve never played mini-golf?†â€Å"I had kind of an unusual childhood,†I said at last. Even Eddie looked incredulous. â€Å"You? I was practically raised at an isolated school in the middle of nowhere Montana, and even I’ve played mini-golf.†Saying I was homeschooled was no excuse this time, so I just let it go. Really, it just came down to having a childhood more focused on chemical equations than on fun and recreation. Once we started playing, I soon got the hang of it. My first few attempts were pretty bad, but I soon understood the weight of the club and how the angles on each course could be maneuvered. From there, it was pretty simple to calculate distance and force to make accurate shots. â€Å"Unbelievable. If you’d been playing since you were a child, you’d be a pro by now,†Eddie told me as I knocked my ball into a gaping dragon’s mouth. The ball rolled out the back, down a tube, bounced off a wall, and into the hole. â€Å"How’d you do that?†I shrugged. â€Å"It’s simple geometry. You’re not that bad either,†I pointed out, watching him make his shot. â€Å"How do you do it?†â€Å"I just line it up and putt.†â€Å"Very scientific.†â€Å"I just rely on natural talent,†said Adrian, strolling up to the start of the Dragon’s Lair. â€Å"When you have such a wealth of it to draw from, the danger comes from having too much.†â€Å"That makes no sense whatsoever,†said Eddie. Adrian’s response was to pause and take out a silver flask from his inner coat pocket. He unscrewed it and took a quick drink before leaning in to line up his shot. â€Å"What was that?†I exclaimed. â€Å"You can’t have alcohol out here.†â€Å"You heard Jailbait earlier,†he countered. â€Å"It’s the weekend.†He lined up his ball and shot. The ball went directly for the dragon’s eye, bounced off it, and shot back toward Adrian. It rolled and came to a stop at his feet, nearly where it had started. â€Å"Natural talent, huh?†asked Eddie. I leaned forward. â€Å"I think you broke the dragon’s eye.†â€Å"Just like Keith,†said Adrian. â€Å"I figured you’d appreciate that, Sage.†I gave him a sharp look, wondering if there was any hidden meaning behind that. Mostly, Adrian seemed amused by his own wit. Eddie mistook my expression. â€Å"That was inappropriate,†he told Adrian. â€Å"Sorry, Dad.†Adrian shot again and managed not to maim any statues this time. A couple more shots, and he sank the ball. â€Å"There we go. Three.†â€Å"Four,†said Eddie and I in unison. Adrian looked at us incredulously. â€Å"It was three.†â€Å"You’re forgetting about your first one,†I said. â€Å"The one where you blinded the dragon.†â€Å"That was just the warm-up,†Adrian argued. He put on a smile I think he hoped would charm me. â€Å"Come on, Sage. You understand how my mind works. You said I was brilliant, remember?†Eddie glanced at me in surprise. â€Å"You did?†â€Å"No! I never said that.†Adrian’s smile was infuriating. â€Å"Stop telling people that.†Since I was in charge of the scorecard, his play was logged as four, despite his many further protests. I started to move forward, but Eddie held out a hand to stop me, his hazel eyes gazing over my shoulder. â€Å"Hold up,†he said. â€Å"We need to wait for Jill and Lee.†I followed his gaze. The two of them had been in deep conversation since we arrived, so much so that they’d slowed and lagged behind the rest of us. Even during his bantering with Adrian and me, Eddie had continually checked on her – and our surroundings. It was kind of amazing the way he could multitask. Thus far, Jill and Lee had only been one hole behind us. Now it was nearly two, and that was too far for Eddie to keep her in his sight. So, we waited while the oblivious couple meandered their way toward the Dragon’s Lair. Adrian took another drink from his flask and shook his head in awe. â€Å"You had nothing to worry about, Sage. She went right for him.†â€Å"No thanks to you,†I snapped. â€Å"I can’t believe you told her every detail of my visit that night. She was so mad at me for interfering behind her back with you, Lee, and Micah.†â€Å"I hardly told her anything,†argued Adrian. â€Å"I just told her to stay away from that human guy.†Eddie glanced between our faces. â€Å"Micah?†I shifted uncomfortably. Eddie didn’t know about how I’d gone proactive. â€Å"Remember when I wanted you to say something to him? And you wouldn’t?†I proceeded to tell him how I’d then sought out Adrian’s help and found out about Lee’s interest in Jill. Eddie was aghast. â€Å"How could you not tell me any of this?†he demanded. â€Å"Well,†I said, wondering if everything I did was going to result in the wrath of a Moroi or dhampir, â€Å"it didn’t involve you.†â€Å"Jill’s safety does! If some guy likes her, I need to know.†Adrian chuckled. â€Å"Should Sage have passed you a note in class?†â€Å"Lee’s fine,†I said. â€Å"He obviously adores her, and it’s not like she’ll ever be alone with him.†â€Å"We don’t know for sure that he’s fine,†said Eddie. â€Å"Whereas Micah’s a hundred percent okay? Did you do a background check or something?†I asked. â€Å"No,†said Eddie, looking embarrassed. â€Å"I just know. It’s a feeling I get about him. There’s no problem with him spending time with Jill.†â€Å"Except that he’s human.†â€Å"They wouldn’t have gotten serious.†â€Å"You don’t know that.†â€Å"Enough, you two,†interrupted Adrian. Jill and Lee had finally reached the start of the Dragon’s Lair, meaning we could move on. Adrian lowered his voice. â€Å"Your argument’s useless. I mean, look at them. That human boy doesn’t enter into it.†I looked. Adrian was right. Jill and Lee were clearly enthralled with each other. Some guilty part of me wondered if I should be a doing a better job of looking out for Jill. I was so relieved that she was interested in a Moroi that I hadn’t stopped to wonder if she should even be dating anyone. Was fifteen old enough? I hadn’t dated at fifteen. I’d actually, well, never dated. â€Å"There is an age difference between them,†I admitted, more to myself. Adrian scoffed. â€Å"Believe me, I’ve seen age differences. Theirs is nothing.†He walked off, and a few moments later, Eddie and I went to join him. Eddie maintained his simultaneous vigil of Jill, but this time, I got the impression the danger he was watching out for was right beside her. Adrian’s laughter rang out ahead of us. â€Å"Sage!†he called. â€Å"You have got to see this.†Eddie and I reached the next green and stared in astonishment. Then I burst out laughing. We had reached Dracula’s Castle. A huge, multi-towered black castle guarded the hole some distance away. A tunnel was cut out through the center of it with a narrow bridge meant for the ball to go over. If the ball fell off the sides before getting through the castle, it was returned back to the starting point. An animatronic Count Dracula stood off to the castle’s side. He was pure white, with red eyes, pointed ears, and slicked-back hair. He jerkily kept raising his arms to show off a batlike cape. Nearby, a speaker blasted eerie organ music. I couldn’t stop laughing. Adrian and Eddie looked at me as though they’d never seen me before. â€Å"I don’t think I’ve ever heard her laugh,†Eddie told him. â€Å"Certainly not the reaction I was expecting,†mused Adrian. â€Å"I’d been counting on abject terror, judging from past Alchemist behavior. I didn’t think you liked vampires.†Still grinning, I watched Dracula raise his cape up and down. â€Å"This isn’t a vampire. Not a real one. And that’s what makes it so funny. It’s pure Hollywood camp. Real vampires are terrifying and unnatural. This? This is hilarious.†It was clear from their expressions that neither really understood why this would appeal to my sense of humor so much. Adrian did, however, offer to take a picture with my cell phone when I asked him. I posed by Dracula and put on a big smile. Adrian managed to snap the shot just as Dracula was raising his cape. When I viewed the picture, I was pleased to see it had come out perfectly. Even my hair looked good. Adrian gave the picture a nod of approval before handing me the phone. â€Å"Okay, even I can admit that’s pretty cute.†I found myself overanalyzing the comment. What had he meant in saying even he could admit it? That I was cute for a human? Or that I had just met some kind of Adrian hot-girl criteria? Moments later, I had to forcibly stop thinking about it. Let it go, Sydney. It’s a compliment. Accept it. We played through the rest of the course, finally finishing off with the waterfall itself. That was a particularly challenging hole, and I took my time lining up the shot – not that I needed to. I was beating everyone pretty handily. Eddie was the only one who came close. It was clear Jill and Lee didn’t even have their attention on the game, and as for Adrian and his natural talent†¦ well, they were very solidly in last place. Eddie, Adrian, and I were still ahead of the other two, so we waited for them by the waterfall. Jill practically ran to it when she had the chance, gazing up at it with enchanted eyes. â€Å"Oh,†she breathed. â€Å"This is wonderful. I haven’t seen this much water in days.†â€Å"Remember what I said about the toxicity,†teased Lee. But it was clear he found her reaction endearing. As I glanced at the other two guys, I saw that they shared the same feelings. Well, not exactly the same. Adrian’s affection was clearly brotherly. Eddie’s? It was hard to read, kind of a mix of the other two. Maybe it was a kind of guardian fondness. Jill made a gesture to the waterfall, and suddenly, part of it broke off from the tumbling cascade. The chunk of water shaped itself into a braid, then twisted high into the air, making spirals before shattering into a million drops that misted over us all. I had been staring wide-eyed and frozen, but those drops hitting me shocked me awake. â€Å"Jill,†I said in a voice I barely recognized as my own. â€Å"Don’t do that again.†Jill, eyes bright, barely spared me a glance as she made another piece of water dance in the air. â€Å"No one’s around to see, Sydney.†That wasn’t what had me so upset. That wasn’t what filled me with so much panic that I could barely breathe. The world was doing that thing where it started to spin, and I worried I was going to faint. Stark, cold fear ran through me, fear at the unknown. The unnatural. The laws of my world had just been broken. This was vampire magic, something foreign and inaccessible to humans – inaccessible because it was forbidden, something no mortal was meant to delve into. I had only once seen magic used, when two spirit users had turned on each other, and I never wanted to see it again. One had forced the plants of the earth to do her bidding while the other telekinetically hurled objects meant to kill. It had been terrifying, and even though I hadn’t been the target, I’d felt trapped and overwhelmed in the f ace of such otherworldly power. It was a reminder that these weren’t fun, easy people to hang out with. These were creatures wholly different from me. â€Å"Stop it,†I said, feeling the panic rise. I was afraid of the magic, afraid it would touch me, afraid of what it might do to me. â€Å"Don’t do it anymore!†Jill didn’t even hear me. She grinned at Lee. â€Å"You’re air, right? Can you create fog over the water?†Lee stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked away. â€Å"Ah, well, it’s probably not a good idea. I mean, we’re in public†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Come on,†she pleaded. â€Å"It won’t take any effort for you at all.†He actually appeared nervous. â€Å"Nah, not right now.†â€Å"Not you too.†She laughed. Above her and in front of her, that demon water was still spinning, spinning, spinning†¦ â€Å"Jill,†said Adrian, a harsher note in his voice than I’d ever heard before. In fact, I couldn’t recall him ever addressing her by her actual name. â€Å"Stop.†It was all he said, but it was like a wave of something went through Jill. She flinched, and the water spirals disappeared, falling away in droplets. â€Å"Fine,†she said, looking confused. There was a moment of awkwardness, and then Eddie said, â€Å"We should hurry. We’re going to be pushing curfew.†Lee and Jill set out to make their shots and soon were laughing and flirting again. Eddie continued watching them in his concerned way. Only Adrian paid any attention to me. He was the only one who really understood what had happened, I realized. His green eyes studied me, with no trace of their usual bitter humor. I wasn’t fooled, though. I knew there had to be some witty quip coming, mocking my reaction. â€Å"Are you okay?†he asked quietly. â€Å"I’m fine,†I said, turning from him. I didn’t want him to see my face. He’d already seen too much, seen my fear. I didn’t want any of them to know how afraid of them I was. I heard him take a few steps toward me. â€Å"Sage – â€Å" â€Å"Leave me alone,†I snapped back. I hurried off toward the course’s exit, certain he wouldn’t follow me. I was right. I waited for them to finish the game, using the alone time to calm myself down. By the time they caught up to me, I was fairly certain I had wiped most of the emotions from my face. Adrian still watched me with concern, which I didn’t like, but at least he didn’t say anything else about my breakdown. Surprising to no one, the final score showed that I had won and Adrian had lost. Lee had come in third, which seemed to trouble him. â€Å"I used to be a lot better,†he muttered, frowning. â€Å"I used to be perfect at this game.†Considering he’d spent most of the time paying attention to Jill, I thought third was a pretty respectable performance. I dropped him and Adrian off first and then just barely got Eddie, Jill, and me back to Amberwood on time. I was more or less back to normal by then, not that anyone would’ve noticed. Jill was floating on a cloud as we went into our dorm room, talking nonstop about Lee. â€Å"I had no idea he’d traveled so much! He’s maybe been more places than you, Sydney. He keeps telling me that he’ll take me to all of them, that we’ll spend the rest of our lives traveling and doing whatever we want. And he’s taking all sorts of classes in college because he’s not sure what he wants to major in. Well, not all sorts this semester. He’s got a light schedule so that he can spend more time with his father. And that’s good for me. For us, I mean.†I stifled a yawn and nodded wearily. â€Å"That’s great.†She paused from where she’d been searching her dresser for pajamas. â€Å"I’m sorry, by the way.†I froze. I didn’t want an apology for the magic. I didn’t even want to remember it had happened. â€Å"For yelling at you the other night,†she continued. â€Å"You didn’t set me up with Lee. I should never have accused you of interfering. He really has liked me all along, and, well†¦ he’s really great.†I let out the breath I’d been holding and attempted a weak smile. â€Å"I’m glad you’re happy.†She returned cheerfully to her tasks and to talking about Lee until I left to go down to the bathroom. Before brushing my teeth, I stood in front of the sink and washed my hands and arms over and over, scrubbing as hard as I could to wash away the magical drops of water I swore I could still feel on my skin.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Transition from Military to a Democracy Rule in South Korea Research Paper
Transition from Military to a Democracy Rule in South Korea - Research Paper Example This paper considers the process of successful transition from a military dictatorship regime to a democratic led nation in South Korea. It attempts to study that process and give an explanation to success of that transition, that brought economic prosperity to the country. The history of the path to democracy in South Korea began in the year 1945 when the country liberated itself from colonial rule by the Japanese. Economic development was envisaged to pick soon after. However, the postcolonial period saw a shift from Japanese led colonial leadership to an authoritarian rule, also referred to as a strong state. This shift was mostly fuelled by political divisions in the period after liberalization and the Korean War. The continued authoritarian rule elicited country wide protests, which continued to gain support and momentum as the strong state ideology also continued to widen and deepen. The protests were in favor of democratization, with the protestors demanding the adoption of democracy in governance, and consequently formed a resistance union, called the democratization movement’s resistance. Increased confrontations and resultant clashes between the pro democracy and the authoritarian rule parties led to the start of the journey to democracy which was characterized by a series of movements. These include the 1960 revolution which took place on April 19th, the uprising of 1980 popularly known as the Gwangju Popular Uprising, and lastly the 1987 June Democratic Uprising. The direct and democratic election of Kim Dae Jung as president of South Korea in 1997 propelled the country into a state of political and economic stability signifying the strong correlation that exists between democracy and economic development.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Network design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Network design - Essay Example However, ABC Company can achieve these capabilities by implementing a corporate network technology system that can offer the business different facilities, tools, and services such as data sharing, communication, files transfer, and linking different departments inside the company. The management of ABC wants to implement a computer network in order to enhance business productivity and provide better services to its clients. In addition, the management is willing to invest heavily in new facilities and equipments or providing a consistently superior standard of services. With the traditional ways of data sharing and communication the ABC Company is facing a lot of problems in managing the business activities. Some problems with the traditional working arrangement are given below: Since, the problems and issues ABC Company is facing are very critical. To effectively deal with these problems and issues there is need to implement an effective network by making use of latest tools and technologies. The new network technology based platforms will be aimed at offering a better business support and working capabilities. The new technology platform will be a centralized business network arrangement that will offer better business working and operational
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Benefits of Sports Essay Example for Free
Benefits of Sports Essay Sports serve as an excellent physical exercise. Those who play sports have a more positive body image than those who do not. Sports often involve physical activities like running, jumping, stretching and moving about which turn out to be a good body workout. Playing sports is energy put to good use. Engaging in sports since an early age strengthens your bones and muscles and tones your body. It helps you increase your stamina and endurance. Sports that involve jumping and stretching help increase height; for example basketball. Games that involve running, kicking or throwing a ball help strengthen the arms and legs; for example soccer and cricket. Swimming provides a full body workout. Thus sports provide the body with complete exercise and engaging in sports directly translates into overall fitness. Research shows that sports improve Math skills in children. Sports that involve aiming and hitting skills, for example, tennis, badminton, baseball and cricket help them increase focus. They help develop leadership qualities and foster team spirit in kids. They involve competition; they involve winning and losing. This exposes children to both aspects of life, successes and failures. Sports build a competitive spirit in children and teach them to be participative irrespective of whether the result is victory or defeat. Playing sports teaches them to accept both successes and failures with a positive spirit. Sports teach you to think with a cool head. The most important benefit of sports is the sportsman spirit they inculcate. Sports help you become more sporting, more positive and stronger. Playing sports is very beneficial for the development of social skills. Sports teach you to interact with people, communicate with them and collaborate as a team. Sports foster collective thinking and harness your planning and delegation skills too. Sports build confidence. Winning a game gives you a sense of accomplishment, which boosts your confidence further. Playing sports involves directed thinking. It requires you to strategize. You need to devise ways to score goals, runs or earn points, as the case may be. You need to devise strategies to win, you need to decide whether to take an offensive stand or a defensive one. You need to judge your opponents strategy and modify yours accordingly. This definitely involves clever thinking, which sports encourage. Studies show that kids who play sports regularly fare well in academics and do well in school. Sports make you happy. I know anyone would agree with this. Jumping about, running around, racing to get ahead, hitting, throwing, bouncing, kicking (the ball, I mean! ), shouting, clapping, cheering, falling and standing up again all a part of playing sports. And there is no match to the happiness this brings. They give you the high by increasing the production of endorphins in the brain. In other words, sports are a form of exercise which generates happiness molecules in your body, thus restoring your mental health. Playing sports, you cant be sad. In fact, they bust the sorrow and the stress. Sports generate a positive energy in you, around you. When sports are played at the state or national level, they increase the players sense of belonging to their community or country. International sports events foster patriotism and a feeling of oneness among the team members of a country. Playing sports at these levels opens many employment avenues for not only sportsmen and women but also people who join tournaments as volunteers, cheerleaders or in the capacity of sports doctors and physical therapists. As developments are undertaken in cities hosting sports events, sports can lead to urbanization of rural areas. Many cities have started becoming hubs for sports tourism. Sports parks are being developed in many tourist destinations. It is the increasing inclination for playing sports which is responsible for such developments. Playing sports reduces several health risks. As sports serve as an excellent form of exercise, it wont come as a surprise that they offer health benefits like lowering blood pressure, maintaining blood sugar and cholesterol levels and reducing other health risks. Yes, if you are playing a sport regularly, you are at a lesser risk of developing diabetes or heart diseases. Playing sports reduces the risk of hypertension and several other stress-related disorders. Research shows that people who play sports regularly can deal with stresses and strains in a better way. Those who engage in sports activities are less prone to depression, anxiety and other psychological disorders. Physical Health Benefits The fact is quite evident that playing any sport makes a person energetic. Team sports, at times, benefit more than solo ones because a person is always happy to play them with ten other people having a similar way of thinking. A team sport keeps health problems at bay. They provide you with the necessary exercise and endurance to maintain a healthy body. It keeps your body in shape and saves you from problems such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases and weak bones. Women should specially take active part in team sports as it keeps their monthly cycles regulated and prevents them from all the gynecological problems. Research reveals that 60% of the women who play team sports are prevented from breast cancer. On the other hand, kids in a growing age get used to torn knees and injuries and thus do not become susceptible to it. It helps them develop strong muscles and a good physique. People who are above the age of 55 years should also actively participate in team sports. It keeps them fit when it is most needed. Social Benefits As Aristotle says, Man is a social animal, it is clear that a person needs a company of other people one day or the other. He cannot survive alone. Team sports help the man to become socially interactive. The more he communicates, the more he comprehends. The basic quality of understanding each other develops when a person begins to talk and listen. Team sports help to construct better friendships. Often, it is observed that a team which plays together, stays together! The team spends a lot of time discussing new ideas, opinions and methods with each other. This makes them bond well and add to the team spirit. Moral and Emotional Benefits Every individual has an ego that is hidden inside him and which pops up as a devil most of the time! One of the best things about playing a team sport is that it kills the ego and converts it into self respect. It is said that, while talking is very important, listening is even more important when you belong to a group. Team sports help develop the quality of listening to each other. We must agree to the fact that speech is silver but silence is golden! On the other hand, team sports build a good self-esteem in individuals. It helps you overcome your fears and mental blockages. It gives you the freedom to experiment and express. It is proven that children who play team sports are healthier and happier. They overcome their complexes with the help of the sport they play. Apart from this, leadership, support and acceptance are three such disciplines everyone needs to imbibe. Team sports make you a good leader. They teach you that a leader is not the boss but a considerate person who takes into account each persons say. They also teach you to accept failures and victory in the same spirit. Children, in the growing age, tend to believe that participation is far more important than victory. The knowledge that you gain, the values that you learn from your mistakes make you a better citizen and a humble individual. They keep you grounded. Read more at Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/benefits-of-team-sports. html Sports boost self-esteem. Watching your hard work pay off and achieving your dreams brings about tons of self-confidence. If you can achieve something in a sport or with a fitness goal, then you know you can achieve any other goal you set. This is a very rewarding and exiting process. Playing a sport cuts down on pressure and stress. Exercising is a natural way to loosen up and let go of stress. Also, you will most likely make many new friends on the team who can be there for you as a support system. When you find you are having a lot of stress, you can call up team mates and head to the gym to talk it out and play it out.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Adam Sandlers what The Hell Happened To Me?: How Music Affects Cult :: essays research papers
Adam Sandler's "What the Hell Happened to Me?": How Music Affects Culture This song means that culture affects how we grow up greater then most people think. I shows that when Adam Sandler was young, he was a well-rounded boy that liked to have fun. The song is also saying that our culture is affecting innocent youth that are forced to deal with the problems that the previous generations made for them. This song shows how all people are affected when they are really just innocent bystanders that have to witness the world at its roughest. They are forced to deal with it although they are truly unprepared for such a harsh treatment. Traits. The song presents cultural traits in that it shows how we grow up and are affected by culture. Cultural traits presented in this song are how we teach children and what we subject them to. Our methods of education and entertainment both affect how we turn out in the long run. The song shows how these traits affect how people grow up, and what they value in life. For example, the song talks about selling lemonade, eating popcorn, and watching parades. Then it goes on to say he's "only happy when [he's] drinking JD" The point is that people are changing because of society and our culture's lack of certain elements, such as respect and discipline. Values. The values presented by this song include the value of respect and discipline, and the need for more strict ways to keep a young mind safe of destruction. These values are presented in the line "I only did the things that Mama said I should, but now I do whatever I want." That line shows that values change as we age and the reason is because of society; obviously if Adam only did what was allowed, culture's values of discipline and respect must have turned him the wrong way, because his mother did not. Other values presented in the song are education and entertainment. This is shown by the lines stating that as a boy, Adam was well-behaved and had fun in parks and carnivals. He played in the snow and he loved sports, but as an adult he only finds pleasure in things he would never had imagined he could have only 20 years ago. Also, it is shown that culture has made such a mess of his mind that he can't understand why he would be in this shape. he presents this information to us in the lines "It makes no sense, I can't believe I'm me.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Western & Native America Medicine
In such a situation, I would first create a good rapport between Mr. Wolf, his wife and I. I would start by thanking them for visiting the health care centre and for allowing me to run some tests on Mr. Wolf. I would then advise him that it is a good thing to look after our health as this is the only way that we will be able to live to see tomorrow. As Broome, B. & Broome, R. , (2007) says, the Native Americans value their traditions very much. It is therefore necessary to act as one of them or rather to respect these values and demonstrate to them that they are important. By doing this, I will be able to prescribe some new medication and at the same time, I will be certain that Mr. Wolf will respect and adhere to the directions that I would give him. After examining him, I would give him the antibiotics that he is supposed to take. I would try to educate him on the importance of these drugs as they would help him to regain his health. I would do this by explaining the consequences of prostatitis and the effects or damage that it might have if it is not treated. I would not discourage him from taking his herbal medicines that he was prescribed. Instead, I would thank him for visiting the healer or the health counselor or advisor. I would encourage him to continue taking the herbs as they were directed by the healer or the health counselor. In addition, I would also advise him to take the medications that I have administered to him without fail. This way, he will feel that I am supporting him and at the same time I am respecting his culture. According to Cohen (2003), American Indians or the Native Americans value their tradition very much. This means that if at all I will act as if I am not respecting this fact, there are chances that he will not follow my directions and therefore he might not get well at all. Alternatively, there are some herbal medicines that are not likely to do well with the hospital medicine. I would therefore ask him to go home with the medicine that I had administered to him and make sure he takes them. I would explain to him that there are some herbal medicines that would counteract with the hospital medicines that we are taking. I would advise him to come with the herbal medicine that he is taking so that we can see if they have any content that might react with the antibiotics. This way, we would be able to prevent any further reaction in his body. When they bring the medicine, I would analyze it and assess whether it has any reaction with the antibiotics that I would have given him. If there is a reaction, I would change the antibiotics, alternatively, I would try to advise him that there is a serious reaction that might take place if he took both the medicine that I administered and the herbal medicine at the same time. I would then try to explain to him that the diseases that he is currently having is very serious and therefore he need to give it a first priority. According to Moses, L. & Wilson, R, (1985), Native Americans are known to speaking in parables. I would therefore try to formulate a story about a patient who had such a disease and who defied or rather who refused to take the medication that I had given him and chose the herbs. He only stayed for five months before succumbing to the illness. This would be in the aim of convincing Mr. Wolf to give the antibiotics the first priority and stop taking the herbs for some time. I would advise him that he can immediately go back to the herbs onces the antibiotics are over.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Middle Cerebral Artery Stroke Health And Social Care Essay
Stroke is a complex neurovascular disease caused by multiple mechanisms that result in a break of normal intellectual blood flow. Harmonizing to Kockrow and Christensen ( 2011 ) , ischemic in-between intellectual arteria shot is an unnatural status of the blood vass in the encephalon, characterised by bleeding into the encephalon of the formation of an embolus or thrombus that occludes the in-between intellectual arteria, ensuing in ischemia of the encephalon tissue usually perfused by the damaged cells. The in-between intellectual arteria supplies the largest volume of the cerebral hemisphere, including the basal ganglia, the internal capsule, and the ocular radiations from the thalamus ( Mitchell & A ; Moore 2004 ) . The disrupted blood flow in the MCA causes intellectual disfunction. Cerebral blood flow has an autoregulatory mechanism that protects against hypoxia and low perfusion ( Johnson 2012 ) . When intellectual blood flow decreases, there is addition in blood force per unit area and vasodilation occurs as the autoregulatory mechanism attempt to counterbalance ( Johnson 2012 ) . If the blood flow falls below a critical degree, intellectual blood volume is reduced and infarction occurs. Johnson ( 2012 ) explains that the deficiency of foods usually received from oxygenated blood and the harm which is caused by unexpected shed blooding into or around the encephalon taking to cell decease. Cerebral ischaemia initiates a figure of damaging cellular events enduring which consequence in monolithic cell decease and tissue harm beyond the country originally affected by the deficiency of blood flow ( Kockrow & A ; Christensen 2011 ) .Tissue plasminogen activator is a serine peptidase which converts plasminogen to plasmin, a fibrinolytic enzyme ( McElveen & A ; Macko 2009 ) . Upon disposal, recombinant TPA increases plasmin enzymatic activity, ensuing in fibrinolysis ( Harvey 2009 ) . It is used to handle the shot in the acute phase to reconstruct flow to the is chaemic country. In ischemic stroke the dead or deceasing cells are surrounded by the penumbra-an country of cells at hazard of or enduring ischemia as explained by Harvey ( 2009 ) . Cells busying the penumbra are ill perfused and as a consequence become progressively ischemic ( Mitchell & A ; Moore 2004 ) . Circulation can be improved when TPA is administered within 3 hours in an acute ischemic shot ( Elkind 2009 ) . This will besides assist to understate decease cells in the penumbra. Collins ( 2007 ) states that the usage of TPA halts the shot by fade outing the coagulum that is barricading blood flow to the encephalon. When suitably administered to patients who fall within narrow clinical guidelines, TPA can restrict the extent of encephalon hurt and better results after shot ( Johnson 2012 ) .Describe the functions of four members of the multidisciplinary squad ( other than nursing ) who will care for Mrs Carroll.The function of the squad is to supply holistic attention which r ealistically develops of import ends for Mrs Carroll and her household, whilst testing for shot complications and trouble-shooting as jobs nowadayss.Address DiagnosticiansThe address healers have established function for measuring swallow map every bit good as address ( Lindley 2008 ) . Regular address therapy can better the result after shot. Therapy begins without hold after a shot ( ideally the following on the job twenty-four hours ) and involves Sessionss of 1-2 hours per twenty-four hours as explained by Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009. The address healers are concerned with assessing, naming and handling communicating upsets, such as formation and perceptual experience of address, the ability to joint words and to understand and originate address ( Freeman 1998 ) . The address healer will help Mrs Carroll to re learn communicating accomplishments. The address diagnostician will besides intercede closely with the nurse, dietician and household to accomplish safe swallo wing schemes for Mrs Carroll.Physical therapistsThe physical therapists will measure Mrs Carroll physical capablenesss and restrictions in a collaborative procedure ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . The physical therapist administers therapies designed to rectify or understate malformation, addition strength and mobility or relieve uncomfortableness or hurting ( William, Perry & A ; Watkins 2010 ) . Stroke rehabilitation comprises of exercising intercession, to understate the effects of the encephalon cell harm and optimise re-learning as stated by Lindley ( 2008 ) . William, Perry & A ; Watkins ( 2010 ) explain that the interventions include the usage of specific exercisings, heat, cold, aqua therapy and electro physical therapy. The function of the physical therapist besides involves educating Mrs Carroll and her household in right methods of placement, reassigning and call uping to help with the discharge.Occupational healersThe occupational healers aim is to help Mrs Carroll to be independent in executing activities of day-to-day life ( Lindley 2008 ) . Freeman ( 1998 ) explains that the occupational healers will find Mrs Carroll ‘s ability to execute basic activities of life such as lavation, dressing and feeding. Their function includes the appraisal of basic and more advanced functional activities ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . The occupational healer plants on specific undertakings in coaction with nursing staff and physical therapists ( William, Perry & A ; Watkins 2010 ) . This involves a period of appraisal including the ability to understand instructions followed by specific preparation in basic ADLS ( William, Perry & A ; Watkins 2010 ) . As Mrs Carroll has adequate motor recovery to keep sitting balance the occupational healer starts working on basic lavation ( e.g. rinsing the face, cleaning dentitions ) . As recovery returns, more complex undertakings can be assessed and practised such as showers transportations , acquiring on and off the lavatory. The occupational healers assess the demand for, and supply, adaptative devices to advance independency with bathing, eating and dressing. Home alterations are besides assessed by the occupational healers to guarantee that the place environment is safe and contributing to Mrs Carroll ‘s independency degree as elucidated by Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009.PsychologistsPsychologist has an of import function in assisting Mrs Carroll towards a successful recovery. Their expertness is peculiarly utile in measuring temper, depression and assisting Mrs Carroll through hard accommodation periods by pull offing her choler and other hurt ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . The psychologist is concerned with the causes, bar and intervention of the single societal jobs particularly in respect to interaction between Mrs Carroll and the physical and societal environment ( Lindley 2008 ) . The psychologists will help the rehabilitation sq uad with schemes to pull off Mrs Carroll ‘s behavioral perturbations that impact on the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours rehabilitation procedure ( Freeman 1998 ) .3. Describe the schemes that may assist active engagement of the patient and household in the rehabilitation plan.The active engagement of Mrs Carroll and her household has a important function to play after her shot. Their support will be of great comfort for Mrs Carroll and when the shot has caused major jobs, their aid in the recovery procedure is a cardinal portion of good shot attention ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . The household need to understand and be involved with the rehabilitative ends that Mrs Carroll has developed with the squad and the methods selected to run into these ends as explained by William, Perry & A ; Watkins ( 2010 ) . This can include acquiring the household members to reenforce peculiar preparation Sessionss and developing the household to pull off Mrs Carroll with a position to dispatch for illustration learning techniques to reassign Mrs Carroll from bed to wheelchair or acquiring Mrs Carroll into a attention safely ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . This will enable them to experience that they are playing a critical function in rehabilitation. Family members need to understand that their greatest part may be to let Mrs Carroll to be every bit independent as possible ( Gillespie & A ; Campbell 2011 ) . Another scheme that will assist the active engagement of the household is household conference with the multidisciplinary squad and the physician where they will have specific information on the type of shot that affected Mrs Carroll and about her advancement as illustrated by Popovich, Fox, & A ; Bandagi ( 2007 ) . Working with Mrs Carroll and her household will assist Mrs Carroll to accomplish realistic ends in their shot journey. It is besides really of import to learn the household techniques to heighten safety and communicating ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . Family members can besides supply valuable information about Mrs Carroll ‘s usual life style. The household members can help in reorienting Mrs Carroll to the affected side and implementing safety safeguards. It is besides of import for the household to be cognizant of the shortages and intercessions appropriate for Mrs Carroll ( Lindley 2008 ) .4. Mrs Carroll ‘s defeat with motor activities and address make her angry. Discuss how choler may be used to ease effectual header and how rehabilitation nurses can enable patients to utilize their energy therapeutically.Nursing intercessions to ease emotional accommodation to stroke should include hearing, detering self-blame, promoting Mrs Carroll to verbalize her feelings, advancing independency, assisting Mrs Carroll reappraise her state of affairs, and show credence and acknowledgment of her advancement as highlighted by William, Perry & A ; Watkins ( 2010 ) .It is of import tha t early marks of uneffective header to be detected so that patients at hazard for depression may be assessed and treated. The psychologist can besides help in supplying get bying schemes for nurse and speech healer to pull off Mrs Carroll ‘s defeat and choler ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) . By back uping Mrs Carroll, instead than taking her, the nurse can assist her to gain her restrictions, consolidate loss and authorise her to be after for a hereafter that will be fulfilling to her.The construct of hope can be characterized by an unsure desire to accomplish ends that will let Mrs Carroll to set and travel end stations when transmutations occur as explained by Western ( 2007 ) . An achieved end or success against a nerve-racking experience creates an immediate sense of peace and good being and a generalized hope emerges for future successes harmonizing to Popovich, Fox, & A ; Bandagi ( 2007 ) . Hope is of import to recovery as it gives persons the motive and str ength to accomplish their ends ( Western 2007 ) . Empowerment so can be seen as a agency of assisting persons to recognize and accomplish their ends. Mrs Carroll becomes frustrated when she can non pass on, but alternatively of retreating from the conversation the nurse should promote her to do regular efforts to pass on with the squad and household. Hence her address will better daily and this will assist to accomplish her set ends ( ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) .5. Describe the medicines that Mrs Carroll is taking and discourse the grounds for administrating these medicines in his current status. Why should a cholesterin lowing agent be considered for Mrs Carroll?MetforminHarmonizing to Tiziani ( 2010 ) , Mrs Carroll was prescribed Glucophage as she has a history of Type 2 diabetes. Metformin acts chiefly by diminishing the production of glucose in the liver as described by Bullock and Manias ( 2011 ) . It besides slows soaking up of glucose signifier the intestine, inhibits glucagon secernment and tissue glycolisis ( Lindley 2008 ) . This medicine is prescribed when the blood sugar degree can non be controlled with diet alone ( Lindley 2008 ) .Avapro HCTThis medicine is used to handle mild to chair high blood pressure explained by Tiziani ( 2010 ) . The combination of a thiazide water pill ( hydochlorothiazide ) and angiotensin receptor adversary produces a greater decrease in blood force per unit area ( Tiziani 2010 ) .Irbesartan blocks the potent vasoconstrictive and aldosterone-secreting effects of angiotonin II by selective hostility of the angiotonin II receptors localized on vascular smooth musculus cells and in the adrenal cerebral mantle ( Bullock & A ; Manias 2011 ) . Hydrochlorothiazide increases plasma renin activity, increases aldosterone secernment, and decreases serum K. Coadministration of an angiotonin II receptor adversary tends to change by reversal the K loss associated with thiazide water pills ( Bullock & A ; Manias 2011 ) . This medicine will assist to take down Mrs Carroll ‘s blood force per unit area.ClopridogrelThis medicine is used to forestall thromboembolic events, ischemic bosom disease and bar of shot ( Tiziani 2010 ) . Harmonizing to Bullock and Manias ( 2011 ) , it inhibits thrombocyte collection by irreversibly adhering to adenosine disphosphate thrombocyte receptor. Mrs Carroll has a past history of atrial fibrillation and she has a high hazard of shot from embolisation of cardiac thrombus ( Freeman 1998 ) . This medicine will cut down the hazard of holding a shot. Mrs Carroll ‘s LDL cholesterin degree is high and this increases the hazard of ischemic shot and bosom disease ( Lindley 2008 ) . A cholesterin take downing agent should be considered for Mrs Carroll to assist forestall farther vascular disease ( Mitchell & A ; Moore 2004 ) . William, Perry & A ; Watkins ( 2010 ) explain that the lower the blood cholesterin, the lower the subsequent hazard of ischemic shot and other thrombotic vascular disease. The cholesterin take downing agent has the ability to brace atheromatic plaque, cut down thrombogenicity every bit good as its consequence on dyslipidaemia ( Tiziani 2010 ) .6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of get downing Mrs Carroll on medicine to command her urinary incontinency?Harmonizing to Bullock and Manias ( 2011 ) , anticholinergics interfere with the parasympathetic excitations of the detrusor musculus by barricading the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, ensuing in fewer nonvoluntary contractions ( . One of the disadvantages of utilizing medicine to command her urinary incontinency is that it causes hazard of mental confusion ( Tiziani 2010 ) . Her cognitive operation has decreased since she had the autumn, hence this medicine will do it worse. Anticholinergics medicine additions hazard of terrible irregularity, Mrs Carroll suffers from irregularity already this medicine will increase the hazard of holding intestine obstructor. Furthermore, bladder preparation can better urinary incontinency and encouraging Mrs Carroll to utilize medicine will cut down her independency and motive ( Lindley 2008 ) . Mrs Carroll might experience embarrassed to go to therapy due to her urinary incontinency. Therefore she could decline therapy and this will non assist in the recovery procedure. Urinary incontinency may do clamber dislocation and roseola due to extra of wet in the genital-perineal country ( Borleis 2012 ) . This medicine will besides cut down the hazard of Mrs Carroll acquiring a urinary piece of land infection as she would non necessitate to travel to the lavatory more frequently. Furthermore, good continency attention plays a cardinal function in assisting to reconstruct Mrs Carroll self esteem and independency ( Freeman 1998 ) . The medicine will besides assist Mrs Carroll to come on with vesica preparation ( William, Perry & A ; Watkins ( 2010 ) .7. Mrs Carroll had a strong spiritual religion prior to her shot but has since refused to see the Priest or members of her church. What intercessions might you implement to assist her recover her religious well being?Mrs Carroll might b e embarrassed to run into her friends due to her status. First I would try to find the ground ( s ) for the hurt, and back up the Mrs Carroll to analyze her beliefs and values ( Tanyi 2006 ) . Supply research-based grounds to Mrs Carroll about the positive impacts of spiritualty on her wellness and operation ( Tanyi 2006 ) . Spending one on one clip with her and assist her to reflect back on her past religious well being might assist in cut downing her religious hurting.I would mention Mrs Carroll to a societal worker who may mention her farther to a psychologist ( Lindley 2008 ) . Her religious well being might non be straight related to her faith. Involve her in a speculation group with other patients who had stroke to assist her talk about her state of affairs. I would easy present one friend at a clip and see how she reacts to that. It is besides really of import to let Mrs Carroll to grief for the loss of what her life was and guarantee that she is cognizant that the nurse is a t that place to assist her. Pastoral attention services are inter-denominational and will be able to offer religious attention to Mrs Carroll ( Funnel, Koutoukidis & A ; Lawrence 2009 ) .8. How does the nurse utilise patient information obtained during admittance to help in the acknowledgment of discharge demands? What community resources would you see to assist Mrs Carroll and her hubby?A thorough nursing appraisal obtained during admittance enables the nurse to place existent and possible jobs of Mrs Carroll ( Fawcett & A ; Rhynas 2012 ) . Discharge planning is critical to advance good being and maximal recovery ( Freeman 1998 ) . On admittance, it was identified that Mr Carroll is really dependent on his married woman and that he is due for an operation in two hebdomads. Furthermore, they live in a two floor three sleeping rooms townhouse which will non be ideal for her when she come back from infirmary due to her limited mobility. To guarantee continuity of attention, the interd isciplinary procedure start on admittance by interceding with the societal worker, occupational healer, physical therapist and societal web as explained by Lindley ( 2008 ) . Mrs Carroll is active in the community and she besides has supportive friends within the Parish Community. The community can besides organize a support group for shot patients to run into other people from the community who understand what you have been through. A resource battalion can be developed for Mr Carroll supplying inside informations of community services and benefits available. On discharge, guarantee good links and information sharing between the infirmary and community squads, and between wellness and societal attention suppliers. Arrange chances for shot subsisters and households to run into cardinal community staff such as territory nurses and stroke affair nurses before discharge ( Gillespie & A ; Campbell 2011 ) .9. Mrs Carroll was an active member of his community but now has limited address. Describe any schemes you could utilize to help communicating and the discharge instruction you would supply to her hubby sing her communication with others in societal state of affairss.Communication troubles can significantly impact quality of life and cause hurt and defeat for households, friends and the patient ( Speech Pathology Services 2012 ) . A broad scope of schemes can back up communicating such as taking distractions when speaking to the patient as explained by Speech Pathology Services 2012. The usage of different sorts of communicating such as gesture, indicating or composing will assist to understand Mrs Carroll ( William, Perry & A ; Watkins 2010 ) . The nurse should explicate to Mr Carroll that it is really of import to talk in short sentences, easy and in a respectful tone with normal volume. When pass oning with Mrs Carroll, the individual should let excess clip to treat the information and repetition the message or state it in another manner ( Speech Pathology Ser vices 2012 ) . The usage of communicating devices will besides advance comprehension and apprehension ( Freeman 1998 ) . Communicating with his married woman could be really frustrating, it really of import for him to stay unagitated and patient. It is indispensable to supply accessible information for Mrs Carroll and her household on the peculiar type of address damage that Mrs Carroll has to heighten apprehension and assistance communicating ( William, Perry & A ; Watkins 2010 ) .10. Complete an admittance and discharge FIM for Mrs CarrollPlease see affiliated
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